Joe Strell wields melody and metaphor to unveil the turbulent realms of human emotion, relationships, and existence. The imagery of his lyrics strikes deep, exploring personal revelation in a way that evokes the universal while the addictive sounds make you want to paw that replay button like a crazed weasel with OCD.
Strell's music is largely acoustic, occasionally moody, and certainly moving in a way that few singer-songwriters are able to achieve with such consistency. Some of his songs stray into country and folk territory, while others recall eclectic elements of a post punk foundation, but each speaks the truth in its spearate tongue.
Joe Strell's current CD In the Balance was released on October 29, 2007, and comprises fourteen tracks that showcase a range of alternative pop styles. Some tracks lavishly resound with multi-part harmonies and complex arrangements, while others strip down to a stark minimalism, attaining a delicate intimacy that lingers like the sting of love lost. These songs take the listener upon an intensely personal musical journey with the meaning of love and life held in the balance.
No stranger to alternative music, Strell's past collaborations include Chicago's post punk band The Imports , Ack Ack, Split Heavens , The Arms of Someone New , Club Crack, Sylvia Darling , and The Moon Seven Times .
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