We would like to meet People who care about earth, want peace not war, care about other poeple and animals, and people who care about how they help the enviorment. if Everyone cared in this way, we would have world peace.We Would like to explain something serious going on in our food supply. HORRIBLE crulety is going on in slaughter houses. Some include, being scalded alive, stabbed, tortured, and beaten, and in some cases a hot blade is used to cut a chickens beak off (yes they feel it). But luckaly its only one fraction of our meat supply. To get involved and learn more visit these great sites: www.sierraclub.org and www.factoryfarm.org ! Also when shopping for meat make sure to buy FREE RANGE chicken eggs and DO NOT buy "TYSON" chicken. They torture animals and are BIG no-no's. There are also videos on Youtube you can see if you type in searches such as, "meet your meat" or "factory farms".