About Me
Well, here I am. I'm Michael Eddy, as you may guess by the myspace title wotsit. Some of you may know me from my wife's website, www.moonmaiden-gothic-clothing.co.uk - which is how I/we make my/our living. So then, you might think, why should I bother to have my OWN myspace page?
Well, it's simple. I write books. None have been published yet; that's probably because I've only just finished the first one. There are others in the pipeline or the proverbial back-burner, but I'm extremely proud of my little baby - it's called ALL HUMANS GO TO HEAVEN.
It's a dark comic fantasy for adults, and I hope you'll love it too. It's extremely silly, rather macabre, and bloody exciting, if I say so myself.
If I was asked to summarise it in one sentence... I'll probably regret this in years to come... I'd say it was:
Where can you buy it? Nowhere, yet. I'm in the process of submission to literary agents at the moment... so if you're a literary agent and happen to be interested, feel free to get in touch!
In the meantime, I'll be posting a few snippets here to whet your appetites. See my blogs, and you'll find some there!
My Blog
Chapter One...
I've been active on "Youwriteon.com" recently, which is a great website for authors who want to critique each other's work - and top rated writers are then given appraisals by some rather leading lite...
Posted by on Wed, 04 Nov 2009 12:41:00 GMT
Well I'm back...
Well, time sure does fly by - has it really been a year or so since my last blog? 2008 and early 2009 was a blur of work suddenly going mad, mother-in-law's health deteriorating rapidly, studying, my...
Posted by on Sun, 12 Apr 2009 12:13:00 GMT
Could we start 2008 again please?
errrmmmmm..... is it 2008 already? Oh, blimey! It's been far too long since I last checked in here; so apologies to anyone and everyone who's sent me messages in the last month or so. ...
Posted by on Mon, 04 Feb 2008 13:05:00 GMT
As promised, I'm back! And here's the very first few pages. I was going to post ALL of Chapter One; but let's be honest, it's far more fun to read it on paper than on a screen. It must be noted tha...
Posted by on Mon, 29 Oct 2007 09:52:00 GMT
Dilemmas and so forth...
It's been a long time folks...
Life gets in the way of art. Therefore, life needs to have some sort of restraining order placed on it. It just gets in the fricking way...
Well, tha...
Posted by on Sun, 28 Oct 2007 15:03:00 GMT
Here's a few brief snippets about some of the characters who inhabit the tale!
Human (deceased); somewhere in her early thirties; but please don't ask her precisely where. She's fo...
Posted by on Sun, 19 Aug 2007 05:34:00 GMT
The Flies.... (extract from Manuscript)
The singing flies make a brief appearance in the latter stages of the novel, and I love them. Would like to write an entire novel just about them, to be honest. Anyway, here they are. ...
Posted by on Wed, 15 Aug 2007 21:08:00 GMT
Here's a little bit of ye olde synopsis, just to start you off!
Allow me to introduce Ms Alice Dutson. She's passionate, caring, beautiful...
Posted by on Wed, 15 Aug 2007 20:21:00 GMT