Well, here I am. I'm Michael Eddy, as you may guess by the myspace title wotsit. Some of you may know me from my wife's website, www.moonmaiden-gothic-clothing.co.uk - which is how I/we make my/our living. So then, you might think, why should I bother to have my OWN myspace page?
Well, it's simple. I write books. None have been published yet; that's probably because I've only just finished the first one. There are others in the pipeline or the proverbial back-burner, but I'm extremely proud of my little baby - it's called ALL HUMANS GO TO HEAVEN.
It's a dark comic fantasy for adults, and I hope you'll love it too. It's extremely silly, rather macabre, and bloody exciting, if I say so myself.
If I was asked to summarise it in one sentence... I'll probably regret this in years to come... I'd say it was:
Where can you buy it? Nowhere, yet. I'm in the process of submission to literary agents at the moment... so if you're a literary agent and happen to be interested, feel free to get in touch!
In the meantime, I'll be posting a few snippets here to whet your appetites. See my blogs, and you'll find some there!