[Im a dog]♥BettyBoop ♥ profile picture

[Im a dog]♥BettyBoop ♥

I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships, Friends and Networking

About Me

well im a typical dog,except im pretty spoiled. Im a black pug and i weigh about 18 pounds. i have a small waist, big hips and eyelashes, so im kinda a big deal (hot stuff) when it comes to dogs. I love to dress up and go out to restaurants with my owner, Kelsey. She is pretty cool, i take showers with her and she treats me VERY good. I LOVE HAM and ET.Im named after Betty Boop casue she is pretty much the best cartoon to ever live, or not live, whatever.....and she was gorgeous, and so am i. Ah, lets see...oh yea, i have pets too that kelsey got me, Lucy Pudgy Ball, a pug also (but fawn) was given to me for my birthday and i have a beta fish named franklin (who is teaching me how to swim).o yea, and im in a band..... add them ... http://www.myspace.com/juareztheband

My Interests

I Like to eat, sleep, watch TV, take showers with kelsey, being photographed, and any kind of attention.

I'd like to meet:

Anyone and everyone, i love attention. I also give really good advice, so if you need some def ask me about it or if you just need someone to talk to, i will always comment you back! If you are a pug or have a pug, let me know, i might want to be friends with them or "hook up" with them....otherwise i want to meet some new people. Whore me...(i'll love ya!)


I Love music, i listen to pretty much everything she listens to....casue i kinda have to but its ok casue she has decent taste in music. I cant sleep good without music playing casue then i pick up on all the sounds outside and they wake me up. My favorite song is if you give a dog a bone and babyfaces.


My All time favorite movie is ET!!!!!!...i also like homeward bound, all dogs go to heaven and milo and otis.


I like to watch animal planet and americas funniest videos. I also like Invader zim (GIR♥) and seinfeild (i bark at craimer).


I cant read so kelsey reads to me and my favorite book is go do go by dr.suess!!!....also i like the tao of pug, its manly picutres, but there are some prety funny quotations to go with the pictures (and a hottie pug i might add!!)


my hero, believe it or not, is jesus (yes im a christian and i have been to church, ate communion, and been babtized) casue of his great love, which i try to show.