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I'm more than what you think I am. I'm more than what you see. I'm more than my loud laughs and non-stop smiles. I'm more than my hair and more than my crazy out there style. My name is Jenn and this is what I am...
I am a dreamer. I get lost in my dreams and they take over me. I have problems with nightmares, they take a hold and won't let go. They become my reality. I'd rather live in my dreams then face reality.
I am my friends. I have amazing friends, and I would be no where with out them. They are the only reason I keep going everyday. I try to be friends with any and everyone that walks by. I like to think im a nice person and I guess I get taken advantage of for it a lot, but I could careless.
I am my fears.
I'm scared of the dark, and thunder storms still creep me out. Butterflies and Ladybugs scary the life out of. You may see them as cute harmless things I see them as the Satan's best friend.
I am my family.
I'm not a "mommys girl", I'm not a "daddys girl" I'm what I like to call "Grandmas girl". What an amazing beautiful woman she is. She gives me power that I never thought I would ever have. I love her dearly.
I have three brother, three older brothers and I love that. We almost never fight and they are always there for me.
I have been labeled everything you can think of. Scene, emo, girly girl, tom boy, punk, ect. But the thing is, you can label me what ever you want. I know how I am. I may not like who I am today, and I might not like who I am tomorrow but I am who I am and I can't change that. I love stars, they are just so beautiful to me. I have made many mistakes in my life but it has made me who I am today. This is who I am. I love you. And Remember. Love Everyone. Increase The Peace Silence The Violence. Hug everyone. Each One Of You Are BEAUTIFUL, And You All Deserve To Be Happy.
SN got2lovgreenday