music, pop culture, junk television, traveling, sewing, craft night, getting a good deal on something cool, DPD enzyme deficiency, Relay for Life
People who make me laugh so hard I cry.
I consume music too quickly to update this list sufficiently but I'll put a few cause I'm getting too much shit from people for giving a cop-out answer. In no order: Decemberists, The Books, Iron and Wine, Notwist, Elvis Costello, Pixies, David Bowe, Metric, Death Cab, Anathallo, Radiohead, Bright Eyes, 80s pop, Cardigans, Beatles, The Faint, Mum, Bjork, Motown, Sigur Rose, Amina, Muse, Frou Frou, Of Montreal, Lamb, Stax Records, Menomena, Les Breastfeeders, Office, Arcade Fire, Girl Talk, Robin Thicke, Damien Rice, Andrew Bird, Stax, Joanna Newsom, Low, Massive Attack, Portishead, Oasis, Psapp, Spoon, Love is All, Sufjan Stevens, Numero releases.... that's a decent start for now.
Still trying to catch up on a lot of the classics. I mostly like action/thriller/suspense, indie or foreign films.
Arrested Development, Strangers with Candy, Freaks & Geeks... basically intelligent comedies that end up being canceled. I'm not afraid to say I love Lost and Heroes too.
anything by Nick Hornby, Chuck Palahnuik, Kurt Vonnegut, David Sedaris, or Jon Stewart. Attempting to expand, feel free to make suggestions.Newest favorite: Battle Royal, Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close
Lithuanian people, Baby Chase