Allison profile picture



About Me

I like pre-crumpled newspaper, bubblewrap, smooth clear tape, orders that are double boxed... work is taking over my life. I like cupcakes, funyons, and yuengling too! I can't drink beer anymore cause it gives me a headache :(

My Interests

music, pop culture, junk television, traveling, sewing, craft night, getting a good deal on something cool, DPD enzyme deficiency, Relay for Life

I'd like to meet:

People who make me laugh so hard I cry.


I consume music too quickly to update this list sufficiently but I'll put a few cause I'm getting too much shit from people for giving a cop-out answer. In no order: Decemberists, The Books, Iron and Wine, Notwist, Elvis Costello, Pixies, David Bowe, Metric, Death Cab, Anathallo, Radiohead, Bright Eyes, 80s pop, Cardigans, Beatles, The Faint, Mum, Bjork, Motown, Sigur Rose, Amina, Muse, Frou Frou, Of Montreal, Lamb, Stax Records, Menomena, Les Breastfeeders, Office, Arcade Fire, Girl Talk, Robin Thicke, Damien Rice, Andrew Bird, Stax, Joanna Newsom, Low, Massive Attack, Portishead, Oasis, Psapp, Spoon, Love is All, Sufjan Stevens, Numero releases.... that's a decent start for now.


Still trying to catch up on a lot of the classics. I mostly like action/thriller/suspense, indie or foreign films.


Arrested Development, Strangers with Candy, Freaks & Geeks... basically intelligent comedies that end up being canceled. I'm not afraid to say I love Lost and Heroes too.


anything by Nick Hornby, Chuck Palahnuik, Kurt Vonnegut, David Sedaris, or Jon Stewart. Attempting to expand, feel free to make suggestions.Newest favorite: Battle Royal, Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close


Lithuanian people, Baby Chase

My Blog

My SXSW tentative schedule

All WeekDim Mak, BPM & Magnum present Sansa PlaygroundThursday-Saturday 2pm-8pm700 Dawson Road (free shuttle at 303 Red River)booze, bbq, ferris wheel, pool, rodeo bullsWednesday, March 12th11am  6pm...
Posted by Allison on Fri, 07 Mar 2008 09:59:00 PST

Mixed tape mania

The lovely Desiree has started a mix tape (CD) mailer and I'm jumping on board. Each month I'll attempt to make a new mix of songs that I like at the moment. If you would like to receive one, send me ...
Posted by Allison on Wed, 30 Jan 2008 03:20:00 PST

Top Ten plus some

Radiohead - In Rainbows (Self-Released)Animal Collective - Strawberry Jam (Domino)Spoon - Ga Ga Ga Ga Ga (Merge)Of Montreal - Hissing Fauna (Polyvinyl)LCD Soundsystem - Sounds of Silver (DFA)Band of H...
Posted by Allison on Thu, 20 Dec 2007 11:35:00 PST

The Update

It's been probably over a year since I've sent out an update. Sorry for my lack of communication and my laziness. I find it harder and harder to make myself sit down and take time to write letters and...
Posted by Allison on Mon, 20 Aug 2007 05:57:00 PST

Let's Get Out of this Country

Farewell friends! I'm off to London and Lithuania till June 2nd. Please don't call my cell because if it happens to be on, I will get charged major $ for voicemails.Don't forget about the Backyard Bir...
Posted by Allison on Tue, 22 May 2007 09:55:00 PST

Record Stores/ Music Biz

So there seems to be a steady lull in record store business and I'm hoping YOU will give me some insight. My co-workers and I have been discussing what we should be doing as a distributor to better se...
Posted by Allison on Wed, 06 Sep 2006 04:22:00 PST

What I've learned recently

-8 flacid dancing/singing penises do not cure heartache.-Apparently nice girls also finish last-Dry heave crying hurts your belly but it's a surprising good workout for your abs-I get urges to do stup...
Posted by Allison on Tue, 11 Apr 2006 10:28:00 PST

My Austin Experience

SXSW was amazing! I was only down there from 1pm Friday till 10am Sunday so I was a madperson running around.Here's my geek list (random order):ZombiNicolai DungerNightmare of YouMy Were TheyAnimal Co...
Posted by Allison on Thu, 30 Mar 2006 03:48:00 PST

SXSW suckas!

Hell yeah! I'll be there networking with the best of them. Let me know if you're going and we'll meet up. I'm super excited for my first trip to Austin. I'm gonna eat till I explode ;) Did I ment...
Posted by Allison on Wed, 15 Feb 2006 07:18:00 PST


Hooray! I love my job and the cool people I work with at Carrot Top. I'm the baby of the company, the next youngest is 27, but they don't give me shit about it. My apartment is a lovely little place...
Posted by Allison on Fri, 07 Oct 2005 05:02:00 PST