I love Summer
Joey. katie april taylor meaghan melissa. I just love my friends. snow. sun. grass. freshly mowed grass. hair. summer. R a i n b o w s .♥ ESSL. Love. Hearts.
Snowboarding. skater boys. hot tar. hot tubs with taylor and the girls.making rediculous movies with rediculous people and laughing so hard about it later. the clay pit. Snowboarding. ESSL lazy sunday sun :) campfires. rafting with linzie and katie. Millenocket '07. Soccer. freckles. twenty-two. the boys. Joey Nick Jesse Gary. laughing so hard at nothing. my pook. my sis. stars. religion. pickles. softball. the goshen ocean. driving. the mountain. chancey puppy. waves. fishing. music. //Squeaky swings and tall Grass//. i love it when you hear a song or smell something and it brings back all these memories of years before. i love tire swings. rainbows, cant beat that. the blue lagoon pretty much owns thats for sure. going to california soon! with ma joey boey plane leaves july 3 cant wait!
Pook <3
My joey boey pookie bear... where to begin. two and a half years is insane but it doesnt feel like that long because i guess the time just melts when your in love. your probably the most decent guy i will ever meet and am so fortunate to have you love me as i tend to be a bit unloveable at times. i trust you with my soul and you'll always be there <3
She is the craziest person i know and makes me the happiest. We could hang out for hours and never get bored or to the point of me wanting to kill her and i love her dearly. i look back on all the stuff we did and cannot believe it we actually saved teddy from the slaughter house and mucked sheep shit for a year.. anyone who can love me and laugh with me while i smell like sheep butt is a keeper in my book ;]
We've been best friends since first grade and know eachother the best. You are completely insane and we are crazy together and partners in crime. We laugh histerically about nothing at all and skinny dip with coyotes and make makeshift slip n' slides out of pool covers and hit the balls wayyy to hard in minigolf and will trick or treat till the day we die. My life would not have been complete or nearly as fun with out you there.
Fefe! shit son we talk about everything and come up with fabulous ideas and usually they never happen but it is so fun to dream about them. your house is so comforting to me we are crazy and tacky and wear too many layers of clothing or not enough and come up with some crazy shit and always have a camera to document the entire thing. soccer is gonna rock no doubt!
Meaghan Rose fucking McEntee! i love her so so so much we basically laugh histerically and prank call and remember 1812 for the fricken war and love the house and to be naked. We own with Chen and all of our Big Movie Adventures and have so much fun. and we are always naked. did i mention that ;)
where life began
<----summer means---->
painting nails
staying out all night
puddle jumping
teased hair
hot pink lip gloss
old navy flip flops
late night swims
skinny dipping
the hammock
sitting around the fire
...we do it all...
//Possibly the only team out there with a 4.0 GPA that cant figure out how to win a single game. gotta love my softball girls.... :)