Sporty Chumps profile picture

Sporty Chumps

I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships and Friends

About Me

Well if you wanna know about me...just come watch any sport! Ill be there! Well im 16 and i could go pro but id rather sit back and live the small life! From A-Z, basically, is all you need to know about me! Yippee! By the way...leave a comment!

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Micheal Jordan, Terrell Owens, Wayne Gretzky, Barry Bonds, Micheal Johnson, Pele or Freddy Adu. Wait I thought it said who i have met...(and beaten). Well whatever...those are my close friends!
Name: D and Kyle
Birthdate: Were not twins!
Birthplace: Gabon, Africa
Current Location: Colorado Springs, CO
Eye Color: Blue Green
Hair Color: Blondish Brown
Height: 8'11"
Weight: 300
Piercings: No way theyll get pulled out!
Tatoos: Im tough i could get one!
Overused Phraze: SCORE!
Food: Power Bar
Candy: Snickers Marathon
Number: 456578
Color: Clear...color of sweat!
Animal: Lion
Drink: Gatorade...DUH
Alcohol Drink: I dont wanna kill myself...gosh!
Bagel: Sure...Id love one!
Letter: E...for excellent
Body Part on Opposite sex: Armpit
This or That
Pepsi or Coke: Dont drink soda!
McDonalds or BurgerKing: Wendys
Strawberry or Watermelon: Strawmelon
Hot tea or Ice tea: HOT BABY
Chocolate or Vanilla Napoleon or however you say it!
Hot Chocolate or Coffee: Coffee gets me goin!
Kiss or Hug: GIrls are evil!
Dog or Cat: Its not the size of the dog in the fight...its the size of the fitght in the dog!
Rap or Punk: Latin
Summer or Winter: Both
Scary Movies or Funny Movies: Wheres the Sports Movies???
Love or Money: Love...cuz i have enough money
Bedtime: 8 sounds reasonable
Most Missed Memory: Winnin the gold...oh hold on that was yesterday!
Best phyiscal feature: MUSCLES
First Thought Waking Up: Who do we beat today!?
Goal for this year: How many?
Best Friends: Were already friends...
Weakness: Dont have one!
Fears: Ladybugs
Heritage: Antartican
Ever Drank: NO
Ever Smoked: NO
Pot: where i have to go!!!
Ever been Drunk: NO
Ever been beaten up: NO WAY
Ever beaten someone up: YEA LIKE 927439 TIMES
Ever Skinny Dipped: Only with mom!
Favorite Eye Color: White
Favorite Hair Color: Pink
Short or Long: Down to the Knees
Height: 8"11"
Style: Athletic DUH
Looks or Personality: As long you have a sense of humor...cuz i do! HAHA
Hot or Cute Both
Drugs and Alcohol: NO WAY HOSAY!
Muscular or Really Skinny: MUSCLESSSSSS!!!! NO FAT
Number of Regrets in the Past: 0
What country do you want to Visit: Been everywhere
How do you want to Die: Scoring
Been to the Mall Lately: Just to buy my apparel that i normally order online
Do you like Thunderstorms: No
Get along with your Parents: My mommy
Health Freak: Got to be to have this BOD!
Do you think your Attractive: HECK YES! WHO DOESNT!
Believe in Yourself: NO...i believe in God
Want to go to College: On a full ride ofcourse
Do you Smoke: NO WAY
Do you Drink: YOU ARE SO DUMmmm
Shower Daily: Only after games
Been in Love: With oops i still am!
Do you Sing: In the shower
Want to get Married: Ofcourse im very nice!
Do you want Children: I gotta pass these traits onto somebody!
Have your future kids names planned out: Hero and Herk
Age you wanna lose your Virginity: Virgin Smirgin
Hate anyone: My opponent on gamedays!!!


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