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'Yo. Name's Stephanie, but all of my friends call me Nyro ^-^ I just graduated as Valedictorian of my class, and am looking forward to my summer. I have a job out at where my father works as a summer helper ((I get to haul tools around to workers and clean up shops)) and I occasionally get a job as a web designer for people who'd like pages built for their businesses.
My Future
I love video games, and I love graphic design, so I've decided to study and enter into the working field as a 3D graphic artist for games and movie animation. I have plans to attend Eastern Oregon University this coming fall for two years, before I (hopefully) transfer over to DigiPen to get a degree in RTIS (Real-Time Interactive Simulation).
If you want to chat, just leave me a message. I'm afraid I'm short on time at the moment, though, so it might take a bit to get back to you. You could try catching me on IM as well (I usually only get on Yahoo! Messenger) My Id is:
100 Random Facts About Me
Do you sleep with your closet doors open or closed?
Slightly Open, because that's where my Cat's Litter box and Food is
Do you take the shampoos and conditioner bottles from hotels?
No, my mom does XD
Have you ever ’done it’ in a hotel room?:
'Done it?' What are you, immature? Just say sex ~.~ And No. With all of my automatic reactions, I pity the person who tries to take my virginity .
Have you ever stolen a street sign before?
Are you eating anything right now:
Nope, but there's bag of Twisted Cheetos within arms reach
Who do you think reads these?
Err... whoever gets bored enough to?
Do you have a calendar in your room: {What kind:}
Where are you:
In my room, on my bed with my laptop
Are you reading any books right now:
Well, I'm reading three different books at the moment, and several online stories (And by several I mean 10+) .
Do you ever count your steps when you walk?
Nope, I have a nifty little step counter for that.... somewhere.... unless I dissected it .
Have you ever peed in the woods?
I'm a hunter, of course I have ~.~
Do you ever dance even if there’s no music playing:
Yeah XD
Do you chew your pens and pencils:
Not really
How many people have you slept with this week:?
What is your "Song of the week":
"Dance with the Devil" By Breaking Benjamin
Is it ok for guys to wear pink?
If they want to, let them. I happen to despise the color, though, so I'd just end up glaring at them.
Do you still watch cartoons:
Avatar! XD
What is your favorite love movie:
Maid of Honor!
Where would you bury hidden treasure if you had some:
I would probably create a hidden/disguised compartment in a tree, or somethin...
What do you drink with dinner:
Usually Milk or Pepsi
What do you dip Chicken Nuggets in:
Nothing, I don't like sauces
What is your favorite food/cuisine:
Clam Chowder, Curry, Biscuits and Gravy, and Hot Wings
What movies could you watch over and over and still love:
Advent Children! And countless Anime movies!
Were you ever a boy/girl scout:
... Yes XD
Would you ever strip or pose nude in a magazine:
..... Depends on how much they offered me .
When was the last time you wrote a letter to someone on paper?
.... Dear Kami-Sama, I can't even remember X_x
Can you change the oil on a car:
Ever gotten a speeding ticket:
Run out of gas:
No, but I've come close . I have a bad habit of not checking how much gas is in the car before I go to town XD
Favorite kind of sandwich?
Ham and Cheddar
Best thing to eat for breakfast?
What is your usual bedtime:
Well, I usually lay down in my bed around midnight, but it's common for me to stay awake well past 2am
Are you lazy:
Not really
When you were a kid, what did you dress up as for Halloween:
An evil black widow witch .
How many languages do you know:
English, obviously. My second language is Japanese, and I vaguely remember some stuff from our Spanish Class in Grade school. I also know some random words and sayings in German X.x
Do you have any magazine subscriptions:
Which are better, legos or lincoln logs:
Are you stubborn:
I can be
Who is better...Leno or Letterman:
.... I don't even know who the fuck Leno is
Ever watch soap operas:
Kami-sama, no
Afraid of heights:
I hate bridges .
Dance in the shower:
I'd brake my fucking leg if I tried that X.x
Dance in the car:
Not really dance... more like sway XD
Ever used a gun?
Yup, I hunt and participate in Muzzleloading Rendezvous
Do you think musicals are cheesy:
Most of them are, but some are alright
Is Christmas stressful?
Not really
Ever eat a pierogi:
Those little pasta things? Yeah
Favorite type of fruit pie:
Fruit Pie? Haven't found one I like yet...
Occupation you wanted to be when you were a kid:
Do you believe in ghost?
-shrugs- I'm a superstitious person
Ever have a deja-vu feeling:
Periodically -grumbles- Damn fucking dreams
Take a vitamin daily?
Wear slippers:
Only when I'm lazy
Wear a bath robe:
When I forgot to grab clothes after a shower, yeah XD
What do you wear to bed:
Usually whatever I wore that day... unless I worked out, then a tee and shorts...
Wal-Mart, Target or K-Mart:
Hate Wal-Mart, but it has the best book and video game selection of the three .:3 lolz
Can you curl your tongue:
Ever won a spelling bee:
Spelling bee? In Arlington? Give me a break.
Have you ever cried because you were so happy:
Can't say I have
Own any record albums:
Own a record player:
We use to....
Regularly burn incense:
Unfortunately, no T_T
Ever been in love:
-sighs- I don't think I have
Hot tea or cold tea:
Neither ..
Favorite kind of cookie:
Chocolate Chip
Can you swim well:
Can you hold your breath w/o manually holding your nose:
Are you patient?
For the most part
DJ or band, at a wedding:
Ever won a contest:
-nods- I've won several contests
Ever had plastic surgery:
No, and I don't plan on having any
Which are better black or green olives:
Can you knit or crochet:
I used to be able to knit... it's been ages since I've tried it X.x
Wash room or bathroom?
Do you want to get married?
If I end up falling in love with somebody than maybe...
If married, how long have you been married?
I'm not married...
Do you cry and throw a fit until you get your own way:
Do you have kids?
Do you want kids?
I don't like babies.... at all....
What is your favorite color:?
Black, Crimson and Grey
Do you miss anyone right now:
Who do you wanna see right now:
Doki, Spazzy, Aarron and Candace and their new Baby, and all my other friends DXthrough the mist
About Me
Name: Stephanie Booth
Alias: Nyro
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Location: Oregon
Occupation: Webmaster
Interests: Drawing, Role-playing, Video Games, Reading, Animé, Fishing, Hunting, and of course, weapons ((and learning to use them :3))
i see the face
Music: Animé Music, both English and Japanese. I also like Nickleback, Linkin Park, Slipknot, Three days Grace, E Namine, Maximum the Hormone, and Avenged Sevenfold
Television: Animé! Japanese, preferably, because I can't stand the English voice actors they dub the shows with .:3
* I play the Piccolo, Flute and Soprano Saxophone
* I am a pixel artist
you're the reason
i have to stay
Brush credits go to Project Zero and Angry Blue . Textures from Colorfilter and Hybrid Genesis . Permanent credits go to Momo and Createblog.com .