P.L. Garrett [LL] profile picture

P.L. Garrett [LL]

God they pray and pray for my downfall, Why They Gotta Be So Envious?

About Me

About me? I'm the best person you'll ever meet. You won't forget me. Many of you have heard of me, but you don't really know me until you take the time. It seems as though i am always getting judged by people who have no business judging me. Then i always hear "Why are you hanging out with Patty?" maybe its cuz im actually awesome, instead of wondering, why don't you ask to tag along and find out why your friend is hanging out with me (instead of you). I hate stingy people, im not stingy...no where near it, if i got it and i can give it, then ill give it to you. I'm the true definition of a real friend and a REAL person. My words can be as sweet as candy but as destructive as Katrina. Don't fuck with me, its a public warning because if you push me too far somethings gonna get broken....I DON'T PLAY!
wise, charismatic, loyal, dependable, random, real, funny, honest, frank, musical, vibrant, colorful, goofy, sexy, smart, sassy, witty, articulate, astute, clever, innovative, comedic, approachable, affable, strong, intelligent, triumphant, charming, out-spoken, crazy, thoughtful, sweet, loving.
That's me.
IM NOT STUPID. So don't try to play me like I am...i talk ghetto but im way smarter than you would ever think! im not rude, im just blunt, and honest, and those are good qualities to have, if you can't deal with that, then you are very weak and frankly i don't think you will be successful in life. Stop sippin on dat haterade pimpin!

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

people who love family guy and the boondocks as much as i do!

My Blog

The party you WISH you were at.

armando nate kelly and cassie came over to my house on thursday night and we got fucked up...with marisha as well. Well in the midst of our lesliness them bitches needed some cancer sticks so we went ...
Posted by P.L. Garrett [LL] on Sun, 12 Oct 2008 01:57:00 PST

The Story of Eric (through an aim conversation)

I was talking to my dear friend benjamin ginsberg. And he asked,"how you be; hows your summer been??" and i replied, "im good, my summer has been really fun, and ive learned a lot about the people aro...
Posted by P.L. Garrett [LL] on Wed, 10 Sep 2008 01:59:00 PST

Weekend Overview

This weekend was extemely hurtful, strenuous, scandalous, and of course dramatic. We did things we've never done before, we've heard and said things that we never thought we'd hear or say.One thing I'...
Posted by P.L. Garrett [LL] on Sun, 07 Sep 2008 01:51:00 PST

Hero, Ham and O.O.C.

Jafar's party. Well christina and i were HOPING that since it's Jafar's party, maybe Kimberly will be there, my girl and i were already planning the night. We pull up next to jafars car at vons and we...
Posted by P.L. Garrett [LL] on Wed, 06 Aug 2008 12:17:00 PST

Extra Unnecessary Blackness

My cousin Wayne Terry got married yesterday to a woman by the name of Tasha...ugh.The wedding was held a Yolie's (a mexican food place) it was very ghetto. VERY VERY GHETTO. But lets go back, before t...
Posted by P.L. Garrett [LL] on Tue, 22 Jul 2008 08:02:00 PST

Even So Much Later in Life.

Dear friends, When I was a child between the ages of  7 and 10 I lived in Apple Valley, CA with my dads mom, and my grandma told me that she didn't want me going out and spending the night with f...
Posted by P.L. Garrett [LL] on Wed, 14 May 2008 05:01:00 PST

i just came here to party

once again i take the full blame for some bullshit that happened. he was seducing anything that fucking walked and breathed at the party, but because he enticed me and he is her brother, I take the fu...
Posted by P.L. Garrett [LL] on Sun, 23 Mar 2008 09:28:00 PST

I just wanna cut a motha fucka!

i started the day so heavenly and wonderful...with a plan of action!My plan was to go to the T-Mobile Store in oxnard and pay a portion of my bill so that i can use some minutes to last me until i get...
Posted by P.L. Garrett [LL] on Mon, 03 Mar 2008 01:03:00 PST

for what its worth II

the point of the blog i posted was to get everyone to realize that we have grown apart for the stupidest reasons, and i wanted us to get back together...So far NO ONE has taken any POSITIVE action tow...
Posted by P.L. Garrett [LL] on Wed, 20 Feb 2008 10:41:00 PST

for what its worth.

remember the good old days. when we all used to be together and we would get together just to get drunk and be loud and stupid. I really miss those days, When things in my life were great, when the pe...
Posted by P.L. Garrett [LL] on Fri, 08 Feb 2008 06:19:00 PST