music, film, absurdity, unicorns, scrabble
reasonable people. fellow goofballs. unicorns and/or skate witches.
Aphex Twin, Wire, My Bloody Valentine, SLAYER
Alien/Aliens, Blade Runner, This Is Spinal Tap, Videodrome, 2001: A Space Odyssey, Mullholland Drive, Repo Man, Goodfellas, The Texas Chainsaw Massacre, Pan's Labyrinth, Troll 2, HOT FUZZ, Picnic At Hanging Rock, Zardoz, There Will Be Blood, Aguirre: The Wrath Of God, Road House
All-time favorites: Kids in the Hall, The X-Files, Mystery Science Theater 3000, Twin Peaks, Mr. Show
Current faves: Battlestar Galactica, Flight of the Conchords
John Fowles "A Maggot"
Jon Savage "England's Dreaming"
HP Lovecraft "At The Mountains Of Madness"
Alan Moore "Watchmen" and "From Hell"
Umberto Eco "Foucalt's Pendulum"