If I Am With0uT LovE TheN I Am LefT WitH NothinG, LacKin' WhaT EverY BeinG ShoulD HavE... substance
NastY NaS, VidA GuerrA, Da FamZ DatZ In CubA, AlL Da RevolutionarY ArtisT FroM 1970-1989(the graff movement).... SubwaY GrafF Will NevA DiE!!!!
I ListeN 2 EverythinG Nd AnythinG ExcepT 4 CountrY
DefinatlY ThE FirsT GodfatheR, ScarefacE, GatticA, AlL Da AustiN PowerS, WaitinG...,FulL MetaL JackeT, SavinG PrivatE RyaN, FindinG Nem0, ThE 40 Yr OlD VirgiN, ThE SeconD UnderworlD, SaW 1 Nd 2 nd 3, StaR WarS, ForesT GumP, CasT AwaY, 4 BrotherZ, SavE ThE LasT DancE, MadagascaR, ConstintinE, ThE ExorsisT, DawN Of ThE DeaD, SpidermaN, FerriS BulerZ DaY OfF, RudY, FridaY NighT LightZ, RemembeR ThE TitanZ, CrasH, BoggY MaN, AirplanE 1 Nd 2, RobiN WillamS LivE On BroadwaY, FreaK, ThE First MatriX, ThE DeviL'z AdvocatE, ThE LiL RascleZ, BriaN'z SonG, JuicE, AlladiN, Apoll0 13, SchooL Of RocK, BeverlY HillZ NinjA, LieR LieR, BootY CalL, BoyZ N Da HooD, ThE NotebooK, AcE VenturA, LorD Of WaR, *61, ShawshanK RedemptioN, E.T., GangZ Of NeW YorK, GroundhoaG'Z DaY, DodgE BalL, MeeT ThE ParentZ, MeeT ThE FockerZ, SOmethinG AbouT MarY, WeadinG CrasherZ, JerriE McGwirE, FridaY, NexT FridaY, FridaY AfteR NexT, TitaniC, MalcomE X, MonsterS InC., MortaL Combat, AnalizE ThiS, AnalizE ThaT, GooD FellaZ, Of MicE Nd MeN, ThE ProducerZ, PulP FictioN, EnemY At ThE GatE, ThE VillagE, SeabiscuT, To KilL A MockinG BirD, 12 AngerY MeN,HoteL RowandA, WhO FrameD RodgeR RabbiT, YoungE FrankinstieN, WizarD Of Oz, StylE WarZ, DirtY HandZ P.T.2, StatE Your NamE pt.1 & 2, SupeR SizE Me, JusT FriendZ, Grandma'Z BoY,
Get this video and more at MySpace.com niggas in electchester know how 2 get it popin'....lmao dat fagget ass nigga joey had it cummin 2 him
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