We at Romance Junkies would like to take this opportunity to introduce our reviewers. Get to know a little bit about each reviewer as described by their own words. Some reviewers have decided to share their photos with you, although some are a little shy. Stay tuned as we add to the biographical information in the coming weeks. Now let’s get on with the introductions, in no particular order, as we consider all members of Romance Junkies to be equally important to the success of our site.
Debra Ann:
I'm Debra Ann, and I've been reading and writing for most of my life-a long time. I have a musician son, and a rocket scientist husband, really! I live happily with my men, and three cats that run the house. I write music, plays, and poetry as well as stories. When I perform, the reward is seeing the audience smile. I do shows for seniors and folks in hospitals.
I was a teacher, but am returning to grad school. I hop to advocate for special needs families. Working with children has always been my focus, and I'd love to write books for children and young adults. Sometimes the message in a book touches people in ways that spoken words can't.
I enjoy musicals, jazz, and 70's rock. I read, write and watch sci-fi, fantasy, and paranormal. I enjoy medical and ghost hunting shows. I am a self-admitted ice cream and chocoholic. I love stories laced with humor since I also enjoy smiling and laughing. Reading is where I go to escape from the problems I face in my own life. I love being whisked away to imaginary worlds of aliens or mythic creatures. The happily ever afters encourage me to never give up on my dreams.
Last, I love to share the joy of reading, that's part of why I taught, and a lot of the reason I review. If my review can help someone find hat perfect read that really makes their day, I feel I've accomplished something. If my review encourages a writer and helps them find new fans, then that's even better. This is something I do for the joy, and I hope I can share that enthusiasm in my reviews! :)
[email protected]
Kathleen Rowland:
Sharing great stories with others is a natural consequence of my passion for reading. When I decided to try my hand as a reviewer, I chose Romance Junkies, a respected site because of their high quality. Many readers depend upon the trusted reviewers at RJ to make decisions about what to buy. I admit to choosing books to review that I want to read and always read them in their entirety.
I am also a writer and like to create stories about people broadsided with difficulty. They have to fight their way out. My fictional characters are somewhat flawed but can readily fall in love. When they do, they learn to make their relationships work and get what they need. They seldom get what they think they want. My book, MINING EVERMORE, a paranormal thriller, is available from Amira Press. A contemporary romantic suspense, WINDWARD WHISPERINGS, also with Amira Press, will become available in October, 2007. Whiskey Creek Press with release ALL THE GLITTERS, a romantic suspense, in June, 2008. Contact me about books at www.kathleenrowland.com.
Chrissy Dionne:
Info about me.... hmmm,
Well heck there isn't a whole lot of interesting stuff to tell! I work part time on a dairy farm where I feed calves, am raising a little boy who resembles a demon spawn more often then not, have a menagerie of pets (1 dog, 3 cats, hamster, and goldfish) otherwise, my life is dedicated to Romance Junkies! LOL
For hobbies: I like to read (well duh right?), I enjoy doing counted cross stitch and any other craft project I can get my hands on – in particularly like Christmas ornament kits and have way too many ornaments...but that doesn't stop me from making more. I don't watch TV unless my son has pestered me into watching a movie, and rarely listen to music unless it's something that I've downloaded onto the iPod. I actually prefer the house to be quiet most of the time and I'm extremely unsociable - I don't even like talking on the phone which makes my OTR truck driver husband nuts! (he's a talkaholic)
As you already know, I love RJ but not everyone knows how I got started here so here goes - my sister and I both entered a contest at RJ and when she got her win notice she forwarded it to me... well when I emailed her back to congratulate her, I emailed back on the WRONG email and my 'Congratulations wench!' email went the Chaoscat. She emailed me back and let me know what I'd done and then mentioned that if I was interested in reviewing to submit a sample email to Gloria :) I did and got in... I was so dang proud LOL Now I'm not only a reviewer here, but I'm also the publishing coordinator, contest coordinator for the reader's group as well as the ebook coordinator.
My personal MySpace page is www.myspace.com/chrissydionne.
Scarlett – Tisa:
I am a retired chef who still loves to cook and a very prolific reader since my early “tweens†when my big brother introduced me to Little Women. Though my preferences usually run to historical and contemporary romance, I read across the board from the Bible, cookbooks, the classics, and all manner of fiction. I have such a large library, it has taken over my house, at which point my husband states we will never be able to move all of these books if we have to relocate.
I am always excited to try recommendations from authors and other romance lovers and relish the opportunity to make recommendations through my reviewing. I began pursuing a position as a book reviewer about five years ago when I realized I wanted to tell others about the books I read. The message boards on various sites provided an outlet for a time, but just didn’t seem to really fulfill what I wanted to do in my reviewing; share my great love of books. Today, I am happy to say I have joined several “families†of amazing people who share the same passion for books that I do. If I can make a difference in a person’s view of reading, or share the emotional connection I have found through books, I will die a very happy woman.
To me, there is nothing more satisfying than sharing a fabulous meal with friends and talking about books. I have added significantly to my To Be Read “room†through the years, and I take great pleasure in discovering new authors, trying new genres and talking about the books I read. As my favorite saying goes: As Long As I Am Able To Read, I Shall Always Be Free. There was never a more appropriate statement to describe my love of books.
Robin Smith:
My nickname is ladybirdrobi and I do reviews for RJ under that name. I also do reviews under my own name Robin Smith for mybookcravings.com.
I am married, will be 10 years on 9/20/07.I will be 45 on 9/13/07. I have 2 furkids, a 9 year shepherd/beagle mix Lady, and a 5 year old labrador/beagle Shadow.
I have no fulltime job because I am disabled and have multiple medical problems. I read constantly whenever possible because it is a form of pain relief for me.
I write poetry as a form of therapy some of which I have published on my myspace blog. I can't think of anything else, besides the usual Dark brown hair polluted with grays, dark brown eyes and am 5 ft 8 inches tall.
Heather Eileen Rosman:
My name is Heather Eileen. I have been reading romance novels, since I was 10 years old. I used to stay up all night in high school reading my favorite books. This often led to dry eyes in class and a perpetual look of exhaustion upon my face. But it was worth it. I loved every minute of it and would not trade it.
Currently, I am a graduate student at the State University of New York at Albany. I am studying social psychology, which makes for interesting conversations. Suffice to say, I have a deep understanding of the human character. I continue to be interested in the human character and romance novels provide good fodder for mental churning.
Someday, I would like to write my own romance novels. However, until I earn my Ph.D. in social psychology I will have to remain happy with reviewing for a Romance Junkie website. This is a wonderful arrangement, because not only do I get to read great romance novels, but I get to surround myself with a group of people who are fascinating and supportive.
Currently, I live in all to Altamont with my boyfriend Jeffrey and our owner, or cat, Lir. I am originally from Bellingham, Washington. I moved to New York in order to attend graduate school and look forward to returning to the Pacific Northwest.
My myspace is: www.myspace.com/u2hezy
"This is JT from Malaysia. Computer geek by day, romance junkie by night. Will show withdrawal symptoms if too long without romance so throw a good book in first before you approach me just to be sure!"
What can I tell you about me? I like to read. Which I suppose is a pointless thing to tell you since the fact that I’m here pretty much tells you that. I know, you’re thinking for a girl who obviously reads a lot, how is it she can’t come up with a single decent thing to say about herself, asides from she likes to read. Maybe I’m just shy. Okay, fine. If you must know, here goes.
I live in the Pacific Northwest, on the Canadian side of the border. I work for a promotions company and am also an editor for an e-publisher. I’ve dabbled here and there with writing but it’s never really gotten passed the dabble stage. One of these days I might just force myself to sit down and work on an actual story but until then, I’m more than happy reading the infinite number of wonderful books out there. Lately, I’ve become a bit of a paranormal junkie. Most people dread hearing noises at night, but I wait to hear someone knock on my window and say, “I’ve come to bite you.†Hey, no one said I had to be normal to be a reviewer. I figure as long as there are no white padded rooms in my future, I’m good to go. Okay, now that you’ve got me rambling about my psychosis, so I’m going to stop here. If you haven’t had enough yet, you can always contact me at [email protected].
Reading has been my joy since I was very young. I love books with humor in them. They have helped me through some troubled times. Although I read almost all genres, my favorites are historical and contemporary romance and cozy mysteries. I also enjoy crafts, especially crocheting and I am starting to do some quilting.
On a personal note, I am married with three grown children and eleven grandchildren. I have been truly blessed with a terrific husband and a wonderful family. We also have two golden retrievers, one lab and one shih-tzu. I know that is an odd combination.
My children and grandchildren have inherited my love of reading. At family gatherings we often discuss the books we have read. I am disabled with multiple medical problems and constantly have a book with me. It helps me through the pain at times. I was overjoyed when I began reviewing for RomanceJunkies.com. Not only do I get to read great books, but I get to try out authors that I have not read before and interact with this great group of people.
Michele Rioli:
Hi everyone, my name is Michele Rioli. I have always enjoyed reading ever since I was a tiny kid. My love for reading has grown over the years to all kinds of genres. My ultimate dream has been to edit and I am so lucky to be an editor for RJ. I just love to edit reviews! It combines the best of both worlds! Reading stories and editing. Weird huh? I have a great sense of humor and love to make people laugh. I have made so many friends while working at RJ. It is like a big family!
My college education is a Bachelor's in Construction. I know you are wondering why I chose to edit when my degree is in Construction. Well, I actually love to draw. I used to work for an architectural firm for 18 years but then there was a big layoff. Really I don't regret being laid off. The last 4 years have been the happiest of my life! I started reading again with a renewed vigor because while working full-time plus over-time I didn't have much chance to read. I joined book clubs and with a computer at home started surfing the web for all kinds of author websites. I was enthralled by all the information there is about authors on the internet!
My surfing on the internet led me to Romance Junkies website. While reading their website I noticed they were looking for volunteers. I sent in a sample of my writing and the rest is history. I am enjoying every minute of my time with RJ! It is a fantastic site with many wonderful, dedicated people.
Hey! I'm Shaina, I'm a College Junior... English Minor! I love romance novels, so what could be a better job? I'm working as an Editorial Assistant... So I'm definitely going to need to get in some good romance novels to keep me sane!!
You can find my MySpace page at: www.myspace.com/shainababygirl.
Hi. My name is Char and I am never seen anywhere without my bookbag and at least three or four books in it to choose from. I love romance novels and have been reading them since I was in my teens. I like just about all genres but paranormal, romantic suspense and historicals are my favorites.
I am a SAHM with two children and a wonderful husband. My children both play sports and I get a lot of reading time in waiting for practices to end and waiting for games to start. We all live on a beautiful farm where we raise boer goats, have a dog who can’t decide if he is a goat or a person and a cat that is the undisputed king of all he sees.
Heather has been an avid reader from the time she learned how to read. By the time she reached Junior High and High School she was even reading in class and her teachers never seemed to care. At age 13 she found Romance novels and was hooked. When the Paranormal Romance trend came along, Heather was right there for the ride. Now Heather's working for her local chain store as a Bookseller/Romance Expert and reads all kinds of Romance. She loves reviewing for Romance Junkies, and spreading the word about her favorite authors. You can check out her MySpace page at http://www.myspace.com/bookmaedin or email her at heather @ romancejunkies.com
Robin Snodgrass:
Hi, I’m Robin Snodgrass. I’m a legal secretary by day and a reviewer by night, or any chance I get…haha I’ve only been a reviewer for a little more than a year but I’m a life-long book lover. I’ve been married to my best friend Michael for nearly 20 years. We have one four-footed baby, our kitty Sable. You can see her on my page: http://www.myspace.com/booklover_robin. I was born and raised in East Tennessee and love it here. Besides reading, I love to play with computer graphic programs, photography, watching Japanese anime, and spending time with friends. At RJ, I’m a reviewer and one of Chrissy’s publishing helpers. I’m glad to be part of RJ and think it’s the best review site on the net! My email address is: [email protected] and you already know my MySpace address.
Kerensa Wilson:
Hi there! I've been with RJ for over two years now and I love it. I can't get my hands on enough Paranormal and romantic suspense. I love classic movies with Bogart and Bacall. I love to travel and to hear authors talk about how they created their sexy novels. Drop me an email at [email protected]. I can't wait to hear from you!
Janean Sparks:
My name is Janean Sparks and I have been happily married to my wonderful and loving husband Christopher since September 30, 2003.
We have a great love like no other and are always on the Same Page, Same Sentence, and Same Word (Love) in life! Chris shares my passion for books he loves role playing books like D&D and Star Wars. Chris goes to the bookstores with me and to yard sales and helps me hunt for books to add to my collection. Chris and I love going to our special park and taking long walks with and without our kids.
We love hanging out with our families and friends and going to dinner and movies. I am a florist by trade here in NC and while not working I love to spend time with my loving husband and I love spending time playing with my kids (my three Cocker spaniels) Daisy May, Night Sky, and Lily June. Daisy and Night are real brother and sister and are 3 years old and Lily is 2.
I also love having fun with my family and friends and I spend a lot of time reading. I love all types of books but my favorite is romance and my favorite genres in that are paranormal (Vampires, time travel, ghost, etc.) I love old movies and my favorite movie is also my favorite book WUTHERING HEIGHTS. My favorite actor is Clark Gable and my favorite actress is Bette Davis. I love the watching the Turner Classic Movie channel!!
I am originally from Indiana and now live in North Carolina. I moved here in September of 1995 with my parents (Frank and Ruby) and my two younger sisters (Elizabeth and Francine). Even though I have lived in N.C. for 11 years I am still a Hoosier at Heart!!!
Maria S.:
As the daughter of a librarian, I’ve been exposed to different kinds of books all my life, and reading has always been my Number One pastime.
I’m an Ohio native, got married to the funniest man on earth about 3 years ago, and we just bought our first home. In addition to a rapidly expanding library, we keep company with 3 kitties- Fremont, Ming and Zeke.
While the introverted side of me keeps me reading, the extrovert in me loves going out to random hole-in-the-wall bars, dance clubs, and watching indie bands perform at the local pub. I’m a huge fan of authors J.R. Ward, Lynn Viehl, Keri Arthur and Shiloh Walker, and I like listening to the music of Amy Winehouse, Supergrass, Babyshambles, and Low.
Amanda Haffery:
I have literally been reading since I was about four years old.
The first book I remember reading completely was Gone With the Wind when I was about seven or eight. You should've seen the librarians face when I walked up with that huge book in my hands. I read it though, and from then on my love of reading has been just as huge.
I am one who will read just about anything. My favorites would have to be urban fantasy or paranormal erotica though.
In my real life, I'm a data entry operator for a large company in my hometown. I do medical claims and records. Tons of fun right there, however, it does give me ample time to read, listen to audio books and of course, to review. To me, the biggest and funnest perk to reviewing is of course, learning about new authors. I have a tendency to read everything an author has and then wait impatiently until a new book arrives. My dream is to one day become an editor for ebook reviews.
Deborah Kimpton:
I've been a bit of a late starter when it came to discovering romance books and only really began to read them with gusto after I started working at my local library a few years ago. I've now read pretty much the whole of our romance section!! I love historicals, especially covering the Regency period, but I'm happy to read all genres. I love vamps and my editor here at RJ has got me totally hooked on the JR Ward series. I'm a wife and mother, with two fantastic boys who are amazingly patient with their mum who always has her nose in a book.
Cat Cody:
Cat Cody is the very busy mother of three sometimes well behaved daughters. Part-time teacher and full time reader, she loves to read multiple genres and enjoys editing and reviewing.
Rhea Palmer:
I have been reading since I was old enough to read.
I am a hopeless romantic and daydreamer. When I was little, I would read everything I could grab. When I became interested in romance, I started out with Sweet Valley High books and graduated to Harlequins after I had a few handed down to me. I was hooked.
I've also been writing since I was around 11 or 12 and one day I WILL get published! lol In the meantime, I'm enjoying playing around with my stories.
My MySpace website address is www.myspace.com/spunkyaviatrix.
Some of my earliest memories are of me and my sisters at bedtime, scaling my fathers lap to get the best view of the pictures while he read from our book of fairy tales. That was my first taste of happily-ever-after.
When I grew a little bit older, with much gratitude to my older sister for telling me about the "birds and the bees" and for giving me my first romantic novel with a chivalrous rogue of a male, a feisty young maiden in a dodgy situation, and the ever quintessential happily-ever-after, I discovered my first paradigm of amorous love. All in a clever packaging under 250 pages. Where can you go wrong?
Somewhere along the way I picked up science fiction and Arthurian legends into my repertoire, no idea how that happened although I suspect it has to do with the fact that I'm a science-chick-wannabe who's been using her degree in Physics to develop a time machine that either jumps months ahead to a long awaited book release date, or jumps back in time to see if Queen Elizabeth's first true love was really Robin Dudley. All of my prototypes have been unsuccessful.
In addition to reading, I thoroughly enjoy music and art, all types of sports during the warm months (running, softball, you name it) and just plain aerobic conditioning in the winter. I have been married a mere 2 1/2 years and can honestly say I've spent a good 90% of it laughing (with him, not at him...hehe).
In the daylight hours, I am an Information Technology Auditor, a very boring and thankless job where most people perform the Sign of the Cross as I walk by. But the majority of my time at work is spent analyzing data and writing audit reports. I figured I would try my hand at writing about stories and characters that steal me away from the banality of my day job. (Much thanks to Dorine for helping me find another escape!)
I'm totally looking forward to interacting and getting to know everyone at Romance Junkies! Hope I didn't bore you or give TMI... that's a bad habit of mine. :-)
For more information about Sandi, please check out her MySpace page at: http://www.myspace.com/sandis_dakotadreams.
Natasha Smith:
Hello! My name is Natasha Smith and I blame my mother for my love of books--she provided my first Nancy Drew mystery at age seven.
In high school, I would sneak and read Kathleen Woodwiss during World Geography class and have been reading romance novels ever since. On slow days, I am known to read at least one book while downloading three more...
My 'other' jobs are that of a special education teacher of emotionally disturbed students, wife of an Alpha male, and mother to a stepson, stepdaughter, and 20 year old daughter.
Until two years ago, I didn't know that ebooks existed. Twenty four months and thousands of ebooks later, I can honestly say that I don't know how I lived without the instant gratification of downloading any book I want.