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I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

"And the man in the rain picked up his bag of secrets, and journeyed up the mountainside, far above the clouds, and nothing was ever heard from him again, except for the sound of Tubular Bells." (Mike Oldfield)

In Bosnian language:

Bojim se ljudi koji su jasni samima sebi. Ali ne mislim da imati viziju, ciljeve i planove za vlastitu buducnost znaci prelaziti granice koje su nam postavljene.

Vjerujem u Boga, vjerujem u Ljubav, vjerujem u moć Snova.

Muzika je moj autentican grijeh za koji ne trazim oprost

Na engleskom jeziku:

I'm afraid of people who are clear with themselves. But, I don't think that to have a vision, goals and plans for one's own future mean to pass the borders which are set for us.

I believe in God, I believe in Love, I believe in power of the Dreams.

Music is my authentic sin for which I don’t ask for salvation.

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

In Bosnian language:

Osvijestene Sanjare i Sanjarke!

Osobe sa stavo(vi)m(a), ali i kriticki i samokriticki raspolozene. Ljude koji se ne boje reci "Oprosti mi!" i "Bio / bila si u pravu." spremne da priznaju da im je Drugo potrebno, kako bi sami sebe osmisljavali. Svjesne vlastite neponovljivosti, ali i ne zatvorene u "kule od slonove kosti", nego suocene sa cinjenicama i zainteresovane za participaciju u svijetu kakav jeste, svidjao im se ili ne, zaljubljene u Život sa svim njegovim vrlinama i manama.

Na engleskom jeziku:

Consciousness Dreamers!

Persons with attitude(s), but who are able to have critical and self-critical look. People who are not afraid to say: “I’m sorry!” and “You have a right.”, ready to confess that the Other is necessary for making sense for their own life. Conscience of their own unique, but not lock in “the ivory tower”, than confront with facts and interested in participation in world what he is, even if their like him or not; fall in love with Life, with all his virtues and faults.

"There is no force no money and no power / To stop us now and change our fate." (Laibach)

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