Johnny Incognito was originally a character in a short story that never got written by Big Ugly Jim . When BUJ, Shakes , Dongo, and two ex-members began jamming in something like 2001, they took the name as their own. The band started slowly, mostly playing with indie rock and metal acts, and recorded a 9 minute long five-track EP called The S.T.D. before the two aforementioned bastards left the band for reasons of busy family lives and BUJ being a massive asshole. A brief pause ensued while the right bass player was sought after. Ethyl was the perfect choice to round out the band, and things have been moving ever since. 2005 saw the release of the first full length CD, a 15-track effort called Rotten Dreams. In 2006, the band released their latest album, a full length split CD with The Broken Soldiers entitled Kissing Cousins.