i am a book! from scribner!
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"With nothing more than working knowledge of a keyboard, Stacey Grenrock Woods has triumphed! I am humbled by her intellect, her grace, her wit, and her patriotism. Also, the nude scenes are quite good."
-- Stephen Colbert
"BLAAAAAAHHHH," {one star} September 2, 2007
By R. Wood "memoirlover" (sherman oaks, ca) - See all my reviews
"After reading about this book in the L.A. Times, i figured it was worth a few hours of my time. I am seriously confused reading some of the reviews giving this weak, random, and often boring memoir 5 stars. Ive read dozens of memoirs and this is definitely not in my top 20. If you want a juicy, entertaining, and informative memoir by a hollywood lady, try "How to Make Love Like a Pornstar" by jenna jameson. Now THATS a good story... this is just kind of "Blah". Even though i went to CSUN and live in Sherman Oaks...much like the author- its just not my cup-o-tea."
"As I read this book I laughed, I cried, and shouted out, 'Oooh, I've thought that!' but I could never have written it down as brilliantly as Stacey Grenrock Woods. A truly funny girl who has posed for Playboy -- yes, one exists."
-- Tracey Ullman
"Funny and brilliant. I loved every word of it, especially words like 'eczema' and 'greatcoat.' Stacey Grenrock Woods has such an original voice. California is lucky to have her. They should name a stretch of highway after her or something."
-- A. J. Jacobs, author of The Know-It-All
"Sunny heartbreak, with sarcasm that draws blood."
-Kirkus Reviews
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