Harry Osborn _Needs no Introduction profile picture

Harry Osborn _Needs no Introduction

About Me

Son of industrialist Norman Osborn, who was secretly the supervillain the Green Goblin, Harry became the unlikely friend and college roommate of the nerdy Peter Parker. After witnessing his father battle with Spider-Man and die, Harry swore vengeance on the hero. After discovering that Peter was secretly Spider-Man, Harry became psychotic and took on the mantle of the Green Goblin.Harry managed to regain his sanity temporarily, marrying and taking over his father’s company. Still, he would inevitably experiment with Norman's old chemicals again and soon menace Peter as the Green Goblin once more. Harry, insane with power after ingesting a new version of his father’s superhuman strength formula, physically beat Spider-Man and trapped the hero in a house rigged to explode. Though Harry came to his senses long enough to save both Spider-Man and Spider-Man's wife, Mary Jane Watson, the chemicals Harry drank were toxic.

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My Blog


*Harry went to visit the downtown museum building to purchase a painting that was worth thousands. While he was there a strange lady bumped up to him and gave him a hard stern look and said to him. "I...
Posted by on Sat, 20 Dec 2008 08:03:00 GMT

Kaine must be taking care of

Kaine aka evil clone of Peter Parker is on a prowl to start trouble through the late city.
Posted by on Fri, 12 Sep 2008 14:13:00 GMT

Storyline Starter

*Harry was working late at Oscorp due to his meeting was running  past time. After the meeting was over he leaves  Oscorp to get in his limo to go back to the mansion. He gets to the ma...
Posted by on Tue, 17 Jun 2008 06:27:00 GMT