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I am here for Friends

About Me

My name just so happens to be Marissa Mills,i'm 15,homeschooled an a senior, i'm gonna be a vet tech at the end of this nonsense the world calls school. I love me some Jesus he's what comes first in everything i do, he's given me so much an made my life so great i can't help but love him an live for him. I have the most astonishing, awe-inspiring, amazing, awesome, breathtaking, grand, great, magnificent, mind-blowing, swell, wonderful boyfriend in the world today he's practically perfect in every way.. his name just so happens to be Brian LeRoux.. it's ridiculous how much we complete each other an how pathetic we are, I don't know where I'd be if it wasn't for him an i have no idea what i would do without him, we're so close it's like he's with me all the time and it'll be the best day ever the day i'm going though the drive thru chapel in vegas getting the coolest last name anyone has ever heard of : ) i owe Landon so so much : ) I have THE bestestestestestest friend ever Haley she's my soul sister an i less then three her very much even though she's a ditz : ) according to her I hit like batista but i know she'll always be there for me and would sit with me the whole time if I ever went into a diabetic coma.. if she could get Brian out of the room that is : ) I don't know what I would do without her. So..she has a boyfriend too his name is Justin he's a best friend of mine as well an pretty great the four of us are gonna go though a drive thru chapel together one day an live side by side happy forever : ) I have a really,really great family I am sorry but they are in fact better then yours : ) As far as my likes an dislikes your just gonna have to ask for my number an talk to me though my lovely phone sulley or though this lovely website cause the people I care about already know so there's no point in typing it all out : )