My Daughter, Electronic Music Creation, Computers, Cars, Motorbikes, Console/PC Games, Amateur Radio DX'ing, Electronic technology, Black Projects, UFO's, Anti-Gravitic propulsion systems, Advanced weaponry including Nuclear, Neutron, Laser and Scalar Wave theories.
Jesus followed by God.
Intelligent and Progressive Drum And Bass. My Mix can be downloaded at -- --- also checkout ---
Star Wars Saga, Essex Boys, Love Honour and Obey, Sexy Beast, Alien Saga, 2001, 2010, Close Encounters, Ferris Buellers Day Off, Indiana Jones trilogy, Bourne series, Shopping, Batman films, Muppett Christmas Carol, Dark Crystal, Drug Store Cowboy, Pulp Fiction, Planes Trains and Automobiles, Mystery Men, A.I., Apocalypse Now, Black Hawk Down, Braindead, Lord of the Rings, ET, Gremlins, Ghostbusters, True Romance, Waterworld.
FOX News.... Sky News.... Discovery.... any SKY channel starting with a 9..!! ;o)
Uniden Factory Manual, Big Book of Buds.
Steven Hawkins, Arthur C. Clark, Nicola Tesla, Albert Einstein.