Heather profile picture



About Me

I'm shy at first, but once I'm comfortable, I am a clown! I enjoy joking around and having a good time. I'm a laid back person with a big heart. If ya give me enough drinks, I might stripe for ya!

My Interests

I enjoy Football. GO NOLES!!! I like haveing fun with my friends, playing X-BOX, watching T.V., drinking beer, and going to the movies. I enjoy going to football games and tailgating. I enjoy spending time with my family, my two weiner dogs, and my girl.
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I'd like to meet:

I'd like to meet people who like to have a good time. Someone with a good sence of humor. MyGen Profile Generator


Country, Country, and More Country! I also listen to Dance and Hip-Hop (because my girl makes me)


I Love Horror Movies! Some of my favorites include: all the Halloweens, The Grudge, saw 1 and 2, all the screams, anything that is scary ect. Any movie with Chris Farley! "Stupid Funny" is my kind of comedy! "AMERICA....F*CK YEAH!!!!" Team America (Got to love puppet porn!"


The L Word, CSI, Survivor, ESPN, Extreme Make Over "Home Edition", & Nanny 911 to name a few.


Books??? As in reading???? What's that?!!!!!


My Grandmother (R . I . P) my second mother.the strongest woman i ever new..thanks for helping my mother raise my brother & I ..not a day goes by that i don't wish u were still in my life..god bless u,i love u, & miss you 2nd is my mother-grandma gave u tons of strength to make it in this world: u never gave up when your back was against the wall, we started with nothing , now we have everything...thank you for giving me life. 3rd is kelly she is my heart, my soul, and my life:my best friend,my girlfriend.without her there would be no life.. i love you... 4th is god: thanks for blessing me with everything i have in my life..u control my destiny...