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The Burning Light Illuminates To Embrace Ones Soul, When Lost Within The Dark

About Me

My heart and soul belongs with the darkness, for it's beauty that I see and feel. It's the solace that I love, "Not the evil that breeds within places of no light." My soul also feels the strong enlightenment within the beautiful "Light" and I will always feel that bond forever, it's who I am. How can one's self love the beauty of both "Dark and Light"??? Only one's soul will know! With darkness there's always that bright light of warmth that you see and feel in the distance. The light is always there just like the deep darkness. The light is the warmth and hope for all souls...The light is the strength and when you feel that "Light" and see it, embrace it and never let go.I stand alone and see deep darkness approaching me as a storm that will soon engulf me, Should I fear this storm of darkness...Should I embrace it...Should I kneel before it and have it consume my soul...My Destiny awaits me, As the storm grows stronger I feel a moment of peace. With tears upon my skin my eyes change into a dark core. Feeling the storm surrounding me, What's within it wants me. I begin to run far away into the dark. I'm now free, Vanishing into the darkness. A storm for dying souls to be reborn.
I edited my profile with Thomas Myspace Editor V3.6 !
The darkness of the night shadows the landscape with the beauty of the moonlight shining in the sky. The beautiful moonlight enters through the window where a woman sleeps peacefully. An angel of illuminated pureness appears at her bedside. The angel watches her sleep with the moonlight upon her. Her guardian that appears at night to watch over her while she sleeps. He will always be with her so she's safe. He looks upon her with a pleasing smile and spreads his huge wings. Wings of pure ivory silk, truly beautiful to witness. It's the wings that will embrace you with undying love, so deeply heartfelt it will leave you crying. The angel layed beside her and to comfort her with his wings. Protecting the most precious person that's in his heart. He whispered in her ear, "I'm here my dear...You will see me soon." Then the angel vanished...The vision has begun...A lonely heart of innocence exists in a world with illusions of enchantment, everlasting love that will soon embrace her. In the distance the angel appeared and walked towards her with his wings of ivory silk spread. She's drawn in by the angel feeling a powerful emotion that reaches deep within her soul. The wings will embrace her with undying love and she felt it within and then she began to cry. The angel touched her tears that fell upon her skin, "My Dear...I'm Here..." with a pleasing smile that shined upon his face. They held each other and his wings embraced her with undying love. Within that moment a light of pure good appeared and sheltered them from harm. In the distance a whispering wind grew of a storm growing and the wind surrounded them and then they were gone. She awakened from slumber to see the daylight shine. At her window she saw a faded image of the angel that guards her. He shined his pleasing smile with his wings of ivory embracing him. He whispered to her, "You are loved..." Then vanished in the daylight. The EndIn a world of loneliness, an innocent soul searches for comfort and peace. All she wants is to feel love within and never be alone. To be embraced and be safe, a dream to cherish and exist. In the distance she sees a beautiful vision approaching towards her, she feels the warmth through her soul. Within that warmth a bright light grows, she admires the light feeling a moment of divine heaven. An image walks through that bright light towards her, she admires what she sees. The bright light fades and a beautiful angel appears, she's enchanted by this angel reaching for this heavenly vision to have two souls become one. His eyes are deep with innocence, she's lost within. He extends his huge wings of silk, so beautiful his wings are. He touched her face while looking into her eyes, "Let my wings embrace you...Our souls will become one..." They embraced with his wings comforting her with deep love, an angel from heaven sent to heal a lonely soul and be loved.As the nightfall becomes a moment of peace with silence, a gentle breeze breathes life into this darkness. It's the whispers that have awakened, to leave an echoe among shadows. It's the calling that bonds souls that feel that sanctuary of beauty. To become one within the night, so serene and sacred it will always be.Beauty of an angel walks through the shadows with only the moonlight guiding her. Her wings are enchanting of dark silken ash. In her journey to explore the night she looks upon the moonlight, feeling content from within. Her wings of dark silken ash extends, with her wings moving gracefully she leaves the ground. Soaring through the sky she disappears into the moonlight, the beauty of an angel embracing the night.

My Interests

"Music + Writing" is my Heart and Soul...It gives me peace in my life, Dark Poetry, Poetry that touches my heart deeply, Expression from ones soul impresses me greatly, Writing Mini Stories/Poems from my Dreamworld, Daydreaming - Escape with visions that feel like a moment of heaven and inspiration for writing, "Dreams" when you drift to sleep and be in another world, Nightmarish Dreams - Inspiration for writing, Supernatural, Ghosts-Apparitions-Spirits, In my life since I was a child I had Ghost encounters in many forms (Shadow Figures, Ghosts of people, Whispers of voices, Being Watched, Footsteps, Scents, etc...), Occult, Ouija, "Soulmates", I believe everything happens for a reason either good or bad, People enter your life for a reason also - Either to touch there lives in a postive way...Have there heart and soul shine by your presence...or for many other reasons, Angels, The Fullmoon with it's beautiful illuminated light - Embracing it from within,The Moonlight - I love the way it shines in the Darkness like a burning candle, Sunrise/Sunset - Capturing Beauty, A dark sky filled with shining stars to admire, Thunderstorms (Although I fear them at times when it's completely dark at night hahaha), Lightening in the sky, Castles, Dragons, Gargoyles, Panthers, Wolves, Squirrels (hahaha), I love animals with all my heart!, Long Walks, Spending time at the Lakefront (Lake Michigan) - It's very peaceful and love the scenic view, Going to gigs at "The Rave/Eagles Club" in Milwaukee - Excellent Club!!!, I love watching movies (Horror, Suspense, Fantasy, etc...), Listening to music, Gothic Beauty Magazine, I love to laugh and have fun!, Once someone gets to know me they will see my odd sense of humor shine hahaha, I love to put a smile on someones face - It gives me complete joy!!!, I'm very expressive and have a huge heart!!!, A fan of Joseph Vargo (Gothic/Fantasy Artist) - I admire his talent very much!, Creativity impresses me greatly!!!

I'd like to meet:

Ian Arkley - A very talented musician and a inspiration!


Century Sleeper"The DreamsideOpen your Eyes
The Dreamside - Forsaken (live)
The Dreamside - There music will forever embrace my heart and soul, I love them dearly...EmbellísH- Falling
Music is my life and it's poetry for the soul...Gothic/Metal, Dark and Heavy Music, and music with a calm side with beauty that shines...What's impressive to me is excellent lyrics that are deep with emotion from the heart (Your soul releasing), Great guitar playing, Keyboards, and of course Great Vocals that shine...Now that's true rocking!!!~*~The Dreamside~*~The Bloodline, Satyrian, Century Sleeper, My Silent Wake, Seventh Angel, Embellish, Romanthica, Tor Marrock, Awake By Design, Diary of Dreams, Draconian, Virgin Black, Doro Pesch, Transentience, Scream Silence, Rozencrantz, Agathodaimon, Sengir, Autumn's Grey Solace, The Dead Birds, Inkubus Sukkubus, Blood Tears, Seduced by Suicide, Paradise Lost, Theatre of Tragedy, Nox Arcana, Tristania, For My Pain, Leaves' Eyes, Valkiria, Aryavarta, Helevorn, Within Temptation, The Sin:Decay, The Foreshadowing, To Cast a Shadow, Elis, Dominia, Nightwish, Romeo Discharge, Metus, Enya, My Dying Bride, Svenia, Cradle of Filth, etc...


The Covenant, Silent Hill, What Dreams May Come, The Immortal, Premonition, Constantine, Gabriel, The Prophecy Trilogy, The Rapture, The Eighteenth Angel, The Seventh Sign, The Craft, Witchery, Witchboard, The Omen, Dark Water, The Gathering, Pulse, Halloween, Hellraiser, Hellbound: Hellraiser 2, Dragonslayer, Darkness Falls, Legend, Shaun of The Dead, Van Helsing, The Crow Salvation, Hideaway, Room 6, The Tooth Fairy, The Return, The Skeleton Key, The Howling, The Legend of Hell House, The Ninth Gate, Session 9, Lake Placid, The Grudge, Dreamscape, The Gate, Gothic, The Fog, The Ring, Jeepers Creepers 1 & 2, Boo, The Forgotten, Underworld, Underworld: Evolution, The Lord of The Rings Trilogy, The Exorcist, Nightmare On Elm Street, Thirteenth Ghosts, Eight Legged Freaks, Queen of The Damned, House on Haunted Hill, The Shining, Warlock, Warlock: The Armageddon, In The Mouth of Madness, The Legacy, Stephen King's Silver Bullet, Haunted, Lifeforce, Fright Night, Wishmaster, Vampire Journals, Burnt Offerings, Creepshow, Candyman, Urban Legend, The Sentinel, Poltergeist, The Lost Boys, The Haunting, The Mummy, Pet Sematary, Ghost Story, Bram Stoker's Dracula, The Crow, Salem's lot, John Carpenter's Vampires, Wolf, Phantasm Trilogy, Dean Koontz's Phantoms, John Carpenter's Prince of Darkness, The Amityville Horror, The Changeling, Tale of a Vampire, The 'Burbs, White Noise, Pitch Black, The Matrix Trilogy, etc...


The Best of the Charmed Ones
Add to My Profile | More Videos++++++++++++Whispering shadows of darkness Shield me from the burning light That will cast a reflection upon me++++++++++++


People that have huge hearts and express deep respect towards others with care. "Respect" is very sacred to me! I will always cherish a person's loving heart and have there soul shine so others can feel it.The sacred bond of friendship with loving souls that touch my heart.The DreamsideKemi VitaIan ArkleyAdrian Hates

My Blog

A New Day...

I woke up very early as usual and daylight has arrived and I can hear the birdies chirping. Even though I fall apart alot that I can't control and then I get very sad or very angry, within my heart I ...
Posted by Deana on Thu, 29 Jun 2006 04:01:00 PST

Bleeding within from a shattered heart

The beginning of my day was nice and I was in such a good mood, the weather was lovely and my mood wasn't unstable; I felt happy. Now it's a different story! I'm ending my night feeling completely sad...
Posted by Deana on Wed, 28 Jun 2006 09:50:00 PST

A Lovely Morning......

Hmmm....I don't have to much to talk about in this entry so i'll make it brief lol. The weather is comfortable and nice this morning, even though the sunshine is coming and going grrrrr....Damn clouds...
Posted by Deana on Tue, 27 Jun 2006 08:24:00 PST

Another Day..........Another Rant........ lol

Welcome to my world of madness, my thoughts releasing into my form of expression of who I am. Writing will always be my solace. I find extreme peace to express myself, even if it's mostly my dark side...
Posted by Deana on Sat, 24 Jun 2006 08:25:00 PST

"Gateway to Hell" ( From my Dreamworld )

Recently I moved into a huge old house that has history of it being haunted. I never knew the house was haunted until I moved in. I heard from neighbors and others that lived in the house in the past ...
Posted by Deana on Sat, 24 Jun 2006 10:46:00 PST

++Watcher of Shadows++

The watcher of shadows awakens, On a gravestone it remains. Protecting what's sacred, "The Dead"  ...
Posted by Deana on Sat, 24 Jun 2006 09:37:00 PST

+++The Fallen Angel+++

She cannot fly Her beautiful wings withered Among the fallen she remains Walking through shadows of eternal life  ...
Posted by Deana on Fri, 02 Jun 2006 09:40:00 PST

Silence Surrounded By Darkness

The Darkness, fears of the unknown hidden and only shadows are what's left behind. Complete silence is surrounding this darkness. Your fears growing stronger fearing what's hidden in the night. Only t...
Posted by Deana on Tue, 30 May 2006 02:33:00 PST

+++Ghosts Of The Dead+++

A dark world where the ghosts of the dead roam Whispers and reflections of the forgotten that haunt A moment of agony will always remain...
Posted by Deana on Fri, 26 May 2006 07:48:00 PST

+++The Awakening+++

A crow perched upon a cryptic stone Surrounded by darkness With whispers of the unknown
Posted by Deana on Fri, 26 May 2006 07:24:00 PST