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I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

im happy with my life!

My Interests

dRuMs & pErCuSsiOns, fASt cARs, aRts, MuSic, dAydREaMiNg, hANgiNg oUt, iNtERnEt, fUtSaL, SiLva tAndOoRi cORnEr, ROti bOm mANis, tEh O aiSs

I'd like to meet:

Sharifah Tahirah


bOyz II mEn, RiChaRd mARx, dAn HiLL, bLiNk-182, fOo fiGhtERs, Sum41, 311, NOfx, CatCh 22, tHe AQuabAts, GREen dAy, COLdpLAy, iNCuBuS, bEn hARpEr, MiChAeL BuBLe


LOTR, matrix, SaviNg pRivAte RYan, hARry pOttEr, fASt & fURiOus, a WaLk tO rEmEmBEr, SeReNdiPity, ONg bAk, tRUe ROmANCe


fRiENds, OVERHAULIN' baby!!


dRUMmiNg fOr dUMmiEs

My Blog

60 tHiNgs nOt to sAy to a NakEd gUy

1. I've smoked fatter joints than that. 2. Ahh, it's cute. 3. Who circumcised you? 4. Why don't we just cuddle? 5. You know they have surgery to fix that. 6. It's more fun to look at. 7. M...
Posted by zAki on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

EDit Ur pAge? rEAd tHis...

getting bored of the same ol' layout? check this out.. &friendid=142735 just need to copy and paste.. gOod LuCk!! ;P
Posted by zAki on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST


these are my happy days, i woke up every morning (afternoon actually) and thank God to give me such feeling. The kind of feeling that put me in a totally different world. The world of happiness and jo...
Posted by zAki on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST