It starts in my toes, and I crinkle my nose. Wherever it goes, i'll always know. That you make me smile. Please stay for a while now. Just take your time. Whever you go.
To Robert.... Before I knew you, I didn't know what it was like to be happy. I spent many days wondering if I ever would be. Before you, life had no meaning. Now I know why i'm here. Before you, I didn't know love. But now I know.... I love you! " You mean the world to me. Your love gives me hope for every day that passes. You have shown me love I never thought was possible. I thank God every day for sending you my way. We have bonded so well and have became best friends. I can tell you anything and know that you will still love me no matter what. I cherish the times we have spent together and wish for many more. I love you baby. Thank you for all that you do. " Love Star