winst(o)n profile picture


I am here for Friends

About Me

___ My name is Winston, and this is MY space. You can call me "Big Daddy" if you wanna make me laugh. Currently, I'm working at Target and keeping myself busy doing nothing. My schedule still doesn't leave much time for a social life but I try my best. My friends don't seem to regret hanging out with me.
___ Um, Intelligence no matter what form it's in appeals to me, which is ironic since I tend to be retarded. Spastic, A.D.D. funny, addicted to making friends, and cool in that other way are how I would describe myself. I honestly believe ice cream is an acceptable present for all occasions. Lies or truths... not really that big of a deal; only the way in which either is conveyed. Secrets are fun, but I have a terrible memory...sorry.
___ According to my calculations, I'm on the "Cool Scale" between above average and extroidinary, behind that mass of people you wanted to meet, in the group you just never noticed.
"A Tree Without a Forest, I Watch the Butterflies Play;
Simply Content to Let Them Rest in My Shade,
For I'll Live Forever, and They'll Die Today."
"True evil can't be perceived nor avoided... only endured."

~Winston Diggs~
Truth Changes with Perception___ In the end our actions define who we truly are. Our speech and intentions can give us simple lables but never complete truth.
Her Corner,
"I want you to get swept away... I want you to levitate...
I want you to, sing with rapture and dance like a dervish.
Be deliriously happy.
Fall head over heels and find someone you can love like crazy...
because to make the journey and not find this, well...
you haven't lived."
Dim, hazy lights
and an atmosphere of alcohol.
The loud music that tempted your body
to move. To sway.
Intoxicated by potent loneliness -
it was a memory to be forgotten.
But then you leered at me
and I laughed.
This is how we met.
Love is not something that you give to just anyone...
you give it to those who have earned merit to it.
{I love you. I really do .. but sometimes that's just uncalled for ..}

My Interests

___ I'm interested in whatever makes life worth living if that makes any sense. Friends, love, laughter, memories, hopes and faith in and for the future. But more specifically I like reading. Poems, books, journals, random reflections on thoughts. Anything with some depth to it interest me. They shows me better ways to put my own thoughts into words. If you haven't guessed it by now, I like to write. . . I don't like to showcase it, but maybe one day when the world is ready. [Heh] I love the beach and I'd go everyday if I could. Swimming keeps me sexy, plus it's fun so why not right. The only other important
thing in life is to always have the yin to my yin with me. [Ignore that last one] There's more stuff, but I don't feel like writing more so let's start the list:

I like... Reading (duh)
Good conversation
Great liars
Opinionated people
Rice (double yum)
British Comedies
^Cool Belt Buckles^
Long Dramatic Movies
Asians and their Anime
Off-beat Clothing Styles
Good Story-Tellers
Cologne (love it)
Discovery Channel
Billy and Mandy
Passing Notes
(especialy the smell)
Angry Smiles
Baking Desserts
Eating stuff I Baked
Good Dreams
Winter Snow
Video Games(too much?)
Pleasant Silences
Simple Jewelry
Correct Grammar/Mechanics
Toys that make Noise
Mild Insanity
Eye Glasses
Sub Sandwiches
Green (hint hint)
Silver too I guess
(Can't buy Joy but it helps...)
Dress Clothes
Winning Games Only I Play
Girl Jeans...?
Clear Skin
Good Hygiene
Young Kids with Gray Hair
A good listener
Unable to say No
Nerdy but still cool
Not very Observant
Waiting for something...
A fighter for the insignificant
Likely to speak my mind, but diplomaticly hmm...? I'll put up more later...Oh yeah, I also love Quotes! I actually keep a journal of all the cool things my friends say. I'll really put a phrase down from anyone if it's good enough. Here's a few of my favorites:

“Whatever dominates our conversation is usually a good indication of what matters most to us.”

“As long as I can look the part, I'm pretty sure I can act it.”

"It's not important how many people I killed; only how I get along with the people who are still alive"
Bruce Willis (The Whole Nine Yards)

“It seems that as long as I am in his presence, he believes I belong to him.”

"I lied so well even I believe it."

“I guess love really is manipulation...”

“One person completely destroyed, warrants a perfect romance.”

“Most think I‘m lazy, but that just means they expect less from me.”

"So which do you want: the honest truth, or the honest lie?"

“My mask is part of my face. It can be replaced by another in my set but never left off completely.”

“I couldn‘t sleep, cause I was thinking how cute I would look if I had a job.”

If you know who said any of these give me a shout!

___ I don't want to seem like a loser (which is ironically why this last part is all the way at the end of my page where nobody will read it) but I will say it anyway. Kids... I am going to need you to NOT (or stop) smoke[ing]. It does some bad stuff... like making your teeth yellow and nobody wants that; but on a lighter note it also kills you, which is gerat because nobody wants to see your yellow teeth anyway.

I'd like to meet:

___ Brian! I'd like to meet Brian so I can attack him! Hear that Brian? If I ever see you again I'm launching myself at you full speed, with phasers set to kill! (I miss you)Anyone and everyone who can show me a different perspective of the world. Now that I sound all smart let's include people who are funny, like to party, and can seriously dance (pop lock, grind, alternative). I firmly believe that Drama has an expiration date too, so if you share my sentiments that's all the better. I already know someone who's willing to protect me. If you do so much as yell at me she'll bring it to your door. Right Jimmy. . .

I seriously crapped up my profile with Thomas’ Myspace Editor V3.6 !
Oh yeah, and this sites hot too! Free Image Hosting []


___ I'll listen to anything but heavy metal and my sister's singing. I like Techno, R&B, Rap, Jazz, Classical, Indie music etc. If I haven't heard it I'll give it a try basically. As long as I can dance or cry to it I'm good. Right now, I have a bunch of music on my computer I've never heard. It all plays continuously, shuffled of course, so that whenever I'm in my room I get a random experience. Lend me your CD's if you wanna add to my maddness. Come over if you wanna try it.


___ Okay, I just don't watch many movies! In fact, I don't recall exactly what they are anymore. They smell kinda like popcorn right? I did see a few Poke'mon movies which would be the reason for the Scyther Card to the left. They weren't really great, but not exactly a reason to complain about the amount of life lost either...


___ I'm ashamed to say that I don't remember the titles of many of the books I read. I read the Golden Compass Trilogy, and um... Dang, has it really been that long? Being some one literarily inclined with a bad memory sucks. I can tell you that I like novels with flawed characters. Flaws make a story real and I'm all about reading something with a little reality in it. Something I can identify with. Give me a book I can learn something about life from and that's all I need.


The RowdyRuff Boys obviously. Butch, one of three, is the guy in the picture cuase he's my favorite. I mean, he's the green one obviously. Anyway, if your made of armpit hair, snails, and dog tails mixed in prison toilet water you have to be cool. I guess anyone who can manage their life and find time to enrich some else's too. That takes some true character. Yoshi and Luig are also some definite favorites of mine cause they aren't fat like Mario and still kick butt even if they are the underdogs of the "Mario" Brothers World. I guess I like Taod too, but you can take a stab at why I didn't put his picture on my page. I mean, I do have some tough standards.

My Blog

I tried so hard to be nice about it...

___I can't... do this anymore. It's probably my fault, but we just don't click. There are all these small things that separate us. I thought if I tried my best to be a good friend, everything would wo...
Posted by winst(o)n on Sat, 23 Feb 2008 10:27:00 PST

Religion doesn’t completely suck...

I will be the first to admit, it's been awhile since I've had anything interesting to blog, but last Thursday was awesome!  I went to school, which was so boring I literally slept through the ent...
Posted by winst(o)n on Sat, 10 Nov 2007 08:32:00 PST

Pure Coincidence

I was in class today, drinking my soda, and playing with my keys, then cell phone alternately, and someone says, "Hey, why do you have so much green stuff?" That's when I realize my books, and penicl...
Posted by winst(o)n on Wed, 10 Oct 2007 08:54:00 PST

I was supposed to buy a camera?

Work was... different? Can't say it was the most fun day ever, but I finished in reasonable time as always. I actually slept through my lunch break, and even got that weird red mark on my forehead, ki...
Posted by winst(o)n on Sun, 30 Sep 2007 08:56:00 PST

What if... I were retarded?

What if I were to tell you the truth? What if you were the minority, one of the powerless? What if the people you knew weren't people at all? You're best friend, the one that disappeared after Hi...
Posted by winst(o)n on Wed, 18 Jul 2007 09:22:00 PST

Passing Time

 ___So, I'm feeling slightly agitated right now, because Gilda in her infinite wisdom sent me a billion youtube comments with some whack dancers, and then claimed I couldn't duplicate such. ...
Posted by winst(o)n on Thu, 21 Jun 2007 06:47:00 PST

Gigi's Adventures: Part 1

I was bored... Hi Parris!
Posted by winst(o)n on Wed, 13 Jun 2007 08:39:00 PST

It's only when you stop to think,

(I had a moment, where life slowed down, and I suddenly felt faster than I could think.This heady rush swept over me, and I can't say I've ever been so torn between laughter and tears.Is it normal?&n...
Posted by winst(o)n on Fri, 08 Jun 2007 09:36:00 PST

This Puzzle is Missing Pieces

Today, I chilled over Gilda's unusually empty/chaotic house. It's acceptable being that she's moving soon. Anyway, it was decent, sprawling out on her bed and simply existing for awhile as she tried t...
Posted by winst(o)n on Thu, 24 May 2007 11:20:00 PST

So I've been thinking...

First off, I think I have a new definition for love. Having watched my significant other repeat the same melodrama over, I think true love is psycho. Everyone throws the word love around carelessly, a...
Posted by winst(o)n on Sat, 31 Mar 2007 10:28:00 PST