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I am here for Friends

About Me

I love afros and pixie dust.
Which Goddess Are You?!? *with never before seen pics and goddesses*
brought to you by Quizilla You are Hina! Hina is said by some to be the greatest of Polynesian goddesses. In certain tellings she is the original creator of the world, the goddesses and gods, and human beings. One story tells of her love affair with an eel, who is killed; she buries his head, and several days later the first coconut tree springs forth from the grave. Hina is perhaps best known as the women who lives in the moon. There she creates beautiful tapa cloth from the bark of the mulberry tree, which we see as clouds surrounding the moon. She represents the part of ourselves that creatively brings forth nourishment even in the midst of what appears to be death and decay.
brought to you by Quizilla your earth you very are kind and caring you have lots of freinds You are someone people can go to when they are in trouble
How You Life Your Life
You seem to be straight forward, but you keep a lot inside.
You're laid back and chill, but sometimes you care too much about what others think.
Your friends tend to be a as quirky as you are - which is saying a lot!
You tend to dream big, but you worry that your dreams aren't attainable. How Do You Live Your Life?
You are a Folkie. Good for you.
What kind of Sixties Person are you?
brought to you by Quizilla
You are an angel. You are really pure hearted and
kind. You are also really popular, but not in a
snobby sort of way. Please help this quiz get
to the Most Popular list!
If you were an anime girl what would you look like? (great pix)
brought to you by Quizilla Spirit of Mischief You love to play practical jokes on everyone you know but even though jokes are funny the can get you in alot of trouble with your parents the law or just one of those kids who dosn't have a sense of humor so even if you don't like to think things though before you do them still try to you should still have fun but be careful. You better make sure that your specil someone has a sesne of humor and you will but you need to look first. Becareful you dont won't to get hurt from your own tricks After you die you will most likely play tricks on other spirits than humans.
Eyes of Determination - Your soul posesses Eyes of
Determination. No goal is too far out of reach
for you, and no single person or even an army
can sway your oppinions. You have a mind of
your own, and you know how to use it! You see
the world as one great big challenge and it's
up to you to overcome it all with the firey
determination of a lioness. Your soul has the
best type of eyes for viewing the world because
the tougher life gets, the harder you push.
You never back down from a fight, whether it be
a battle of wits, or a battle of fists. You do
lose your battles every now and again, but as
soon as you can get back on your feet, you are
ready for a re-match. Your high energy and
beautiful spirit makes people very attracted to
you and many want to be your friend. You are
loyal and good natured, and you always stand up
for those who you call your friends. Your
trust is hard to gain, but is even harder to
lose. You have the bad habit of sometimes
getting a little full of yourself and it takes
alot of effort on your friend's parts to bring
you off your high hobby horse. Despite your
good outlook on life, pain is nothing new to
you and is something you are very aware of.
Because of this, people often have to prove
their loyalty to you before you will give them
your own.
What Type of Eyes Does Your Soul Have? (girls)(pics)
brought to you by Quizilla
Your element is Fire: Strong, hot tempered,
powerful, and passionate. Well now lets see,
being fire you are quite strong and powerful be
it mentally, physically or both. People look up
to you greatly and often seek your protection.
You have the ability to gain many friends and
you are always one people can count on to do
what you say you will do. You are extremely
loyal, be it friends or family you'll stick up
for them and you are never willing to put them
in a position that could hurt them. You know
what roll you play in life, leader, and you
intend to let people know it. Not everyone is
capable of leadership but you certainly have
the willpower and flare to do it. You have
quite a temper if it shows itself, one that can
often lead you into trouble. Once your mind is
made up there is no changing it but no one said
that was a bad thing.
.:-|What is your true element?|-:. -With Anime Pictures and detailed answers-
brought to you by Quizilla
Your anime spirit with great anime pics and detailed description
brought to you by QuizillaSpirit of Mischief You love to play practical jokes on everyone you know but even though jokes are funny the can get you in alot of trouble with your parents the law or just one of those kids who dosn't have a sense of humor so even if you don't like to think things though before you do them still try to you should still have fun but be careful. You better make sure that your specil someone has a sesne of humor and you will but you need to look first. Becareful you dont won't to get hurt from your own tricks After you die you will most likely play tricks on other spirits than humans.
What kind of Angel are you? (16 results with anime pic)
brought to you by Quizilla You are DREAMER angle. You love to daydream about anything, love, sadness, happyness, anything. You might daydream because your life is bad or you just daydream because you want to do something much more. You might make it to heven, I don't think you'll enter h-e-l-l but who knows you might be one bad daydreamer.
Who Are You When Nobody Is Looking? (For Girls, Sorry Guys I'll Get 1 For U All Soon)
brought to you by Quizilla You are a superhero! You choose a secret identity to protect your friends and family. You can always use more time, and your life is hectic, but happy. Your reflection can be found in your nails, hair, and protectivness.
what is your soul telling you?[anime pics].girls only
brought to you by Quizilla your soul is tring to tell you to keep on being happy. you tend to talk often and your a fun and happy person.
Your Inner Child Is Naughty
Like a child, you tend to discount social rules.
It's just too much fun to break the rules!
You love trouble - and it seems that trouble loves you.
And no matter what, you refuse to grow up! How Is Your Inner Child?

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Langston Hughes, Maya Angelou, Nelson Mandela, Chinua Achebe, George Carlin.

My Blog

Words of Wisdom

In April, Maya Angelou was interviewed by Oprah on her 70+ birthday.Oprah asked her what she thought of growing older. And, there ontelevision, she said it was "exciting." Regarding body changes, shes...
Posted by on Wed, 08 Feb 2006 11:52:00 GMT

I Love Sudoku!

I love sudoku.  For some reason, I can't pronounce it worth a shit but I sure do love playin' it.  Talk about addiction.  I got a book with 100 puzzles for Christmas and I only have 20 ...
Posted by on Thu, 19 Jan 2006 18:34:00 GMT

I Will Get This

I will figure out this blasted site if it is the last thing i do.  I don't know why I had to go and mess with it.  It was set just fine but nooooooooo, i needed a change.  dammit-when w...
Posted by on Thu, 15 Dec 2005 17:22:00 GMT

Written by George Carlin shortly after his wife's death

The paradox of out time in history is that we have taller buildings but shorter tempers, wider freeways but narrower viewpoints.  We spend more, but have less, we buy more, but enjoy less.  ...
Posted by on Wed, 02 Nov 2005 17:25:00 GMT

Why the hell won't this work?!?!

I hate computers
Posted by on Wed, 02 Nov 2005 16:34:00 GMT


 There were a total of 15 passengers boarding a small plane on theirway to Florida.  One black mother and her child were on their way to visit relatives while the other passengers consisted ...
Posted by on Wed, 02 Nov 2005 12:38:00 GMT

I Got Nuttin!!

I have nothin to say, just wanted to post a blog.
Posted by on Tue, 01 Nov 2005 17:53:00 GMT


What the hell is a blog?
Posted by on Tue, 01 Nov 2005 17:12:00 GMT