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About Me:I'm Honey Bear. I'm in love with my amazing boyfriend named Ricky, and I want absolutely nothing to do with you other guys. I have a very big heart, I give my full potential towards everything. I am very happy with where I am at in life right now. I'm really easy to get along with. It's hard for me to think about the good things in life. But right now, I have everything I need. I know I'm one of the most exciting people you will ever come across. I'm not shallow but I am judgmental... then again who isn't?. I have more common sense & manners then most cause people tend to be possessed by expensive items (losers). Don't underestimate me. I'm really short and very clumsy. But I make it through out the day. Do me wrong, I'll make sure you regret it. I dislike many girls but my girls are absolutely amazing gladly there the ones that stayed true to themselves rather than being a complete fake. I'm always sleepy. I've made a lot of mistakes in my life. I've learned from each and every single one of them. I will do anything to succeed in the future, nothing will get in the way of that, I have plans and I want to see the world. I stay true to myself. Don't take it to heart if I fail to reply to your comments and messages, I'm usually very busy and do have a life outside myspace. And if it's not that, I'm just really lazy.
Goal: Be a certified nurse midwife.
Move in and marry Ricky
Have a huge mixed family
My Blogs:
001 Religion (view more)
002 People's Court (view more)
003 Two Girls One Cup &Americas Best Dance Crew (view more)
004 Love (view more)
005 Random Bus Moment (view more)
006 Vans Warped Tour (view more)
007 W4W? (view more)
This account is for everyone to see cause I have nothing to hide. I'm in no way ashamed to show my myspace. And I am hear to chat... that is all. My life is content and I know it can not get any better.I'm here to inspire not judge
Love Life:I met Ricky in a science classroom in Middle school. I wished I could have met him sooner & even though my ex-best friend hooked us up and kinda spilled my secret crush on him... I really have to thank her cause it's one of the best and only good thing I have received from her and in my life in general. Even though I betrayed him... he still shows the same compassion as before and people can no longer use my past against me cause I know what I did, I learned from it, and he still considered me perfect. He's been there way before we went out. I can't sum up on how wonderful he is but then again you got to meet him to know.
The only one who gets me on my tippy-toes. The one who finishes my sentences. The one who kisses me good-morning and good-night. The one who I adore, and adores me back. Loving someone has no boundaries. Distance, family members, nor friends, will stand in the way of something so beautiful. We have that something beautiful. I've shed out so many different paragraphs to describe this boy, and to let him know I'm in love with him and not going anywhere. But sometimes, it takes more than just writing. It takes communication, understanding, and patience. I have all the time in the world, to tell him everything that needs to be said. but I've realized, that sometimes time, plays horrible games. No matter how long I've been with this boy, 2 months, 8 years or only 9 months. I know that I'm stopping with him. I don't ever want to experice life with another. The rest of my life is planned around him and for him. I will give anything for him. and MORE. I've never been so positive. He's really all that makes sense to me anymore. Ricky Blundo. We have both been through hurt. We have both been through a hard time. But we have learned our lesson. And I never gave up. I told you I wouldn't let you go if my life depended on it. And I meant that. What people say about us has never and will never phase me, you have to experience it to understand. He does it for me, like no other has. It's taken me 18 years to grasp the meaning of true love, 18 years of not having any certainty of whats real to whats fake. 18 years of not being aware of what honesty is to lies. I no longer need to worry about, or need to seek for that certain perfect individual I've been bound for my whole life. I've already found that one person. I really could never be anymore happier than what I am when I'm with you. Theirs nothing I want more than to be by your side forever, and help you make the most important decisions in life that you have to make, and even the easiest. I want to hear about your day, and I want to make you smile from ear to ear. I'll do nothing but try my absolute 456789567890678907890 percent to show you that, too. I'm sitting in a room, made up of only things that remind me of you. Theirs no where I'd rather be, but in your arms. Or sitting at home waiting for your call. My eyes have opened wide, and I've always known that you're the only one. You're my one and only love of my life, my soul mate. You've given me chances, I've given you the same. Theirs never to many chances to fix something that everybody knows is perfect. Lets just be happy. And let us love each other more than anything. I promise you I'll do a good job. I trust you. My heart is yours, forever. Your my soul mate, my little cutie pie. And no one will see what I see in you. You do something to me that I can't explain, something that leaves me so addicted and I can't get enough of it. You're that one person I've been looking for, that makes me never want to look again. I could write about you for hours and still not get out what I want. You everything I've ever wanted and needed. I trust you, more than I trust or have trusted anyone else before. You have changed my outlook on relationships and made me realize that love is real. It exists, and I'm so goddamn fucking lucky to have it. From you especially. You are perfect to me and I care about you more than you will ever know. I love how we fall asleep together and how we beat each other up, how we don't have to do anything to have a good time. Everything we do is perfect and just being with you makes me happier than I've ever been. If I could spend every second of my life with you, I would. A million things will try to keep us apart but the two of us can hold us together. I love you more and more every time I talk to you, and way more every time I see you. I know we can make this work. Words cant even begin to explain nor describe. No one can see the bond that we have, only we can. Who cares if other people cant see it. Sure, say we fight. Say were no good together, but no one knows what happens when were alone. When were alone, its like everything in front of you and behind you goes completely blurry and all I see is you looking at me. Anything can be going on around me and I wouldn't even give it a look. You're too important and special, for me to not pay as much attention as I ever possibly could to you. I gave you the key to my heart. I'll never in my life, give up on you. I never want this to end. I've completely given you my heart and I never want it back. I love you. <33 I'll love you from January 20th, 2005 til the day I die. Now one day mark my word... I will marry you. We've started fresh, and its going to be a really good thing.
The Song below was written by him & dedicated to me. Don't steal!!!
Crucial, and born through sorrow
The world already a myth lies dormant
To secure the being from this torment,
Another brightens the path
This significant other comes gracefully
Noticing all scars to mend
Holding everything in its form, not as the catalyst
The insignia worn is a figure of blessing and confidence
Holding the land from becoming putrid
I shall awaken once again to see
What shall walk me to the final ascension
This arise marks the end of many inceptions
But breeds the final eulogy
It brings life to the deceased
Whom I have become amongst
Succumbing to the infinite
We become one
Within seconds, purgatory is diminished
Ridding the self of all that is vile
A single touch awoke it all
And the insomnia remains wondrous
My goddess of ubiquity lies silent
I rest beside, inaudible as well
hey darling
i had an amazing day with you today
u are the best and i kan't wait to see u in the morning
you make me feel so powerful and like i kan do anything
with u, i know we kan get through everything in our way
i'm sorry we have had problems in the past.. but wat is life without problems????
to b honest i think i enjoy the idea of a problem, because it reminds me of something we kan get through,unless we already got through it
you are so beautiful inside and out and i kan't wait for eternity with you to embrace my soul
i love u amanda marroquin....
forever and ever
-Ricky Blundo
....he is my past, my present, and my future
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ps. I try my hardest to reply back to everyone as long as you don't ask me how I'm doing. Please don't assume that I won't reply back.
(my responses are generally the same exact thing anyways.)