i play bass in this band and sing...both bad, very bad
"I'd rather be a pussy than a faggy goth kid" - Stan Marsh
the statement above also works for me, just replace goth with emo.
I support Liverpool FC, and i've travelled across europe and around the world to see them play.
the best night of my life was not the first time i had sex
or the second time
actually i felt sex was overrated, but then again i was probably shit.
i write shit lyrics and write shit songs that are happy and comical and meant to make people smile, not bum them out.
i have commitment issues
i like nerd things, i watch star wars, i like star trek...well some and i spend too much time on facebook and myspace
i spend alot of time playing on pro-evolution soccer for no reason at all
i hate the fact im gonna have to get a job, i hate work and effort altogether
im a barman...a shit one at that
I'm VERY immature
MY IDOL'S.....
Kai bassist in THE world!
THE coolest guy on planet earth, no questions!