Echoes From The Deep profile picture

Echoes From The Deep

About Me

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Band Bio:

For those who are hearing for the first time about the band "Echoes From The Deep", we will tell you some things about the beginning of this project.
Everything started when Silent Wolf (vocals) started exchanging ideas with Thomas (bass) and they got to the conclusion that they should form a doom/death metal band, in a unique phylosofical concept.
Step by step they have found a name for the band, which reflects their style..."Echoes From The Deep". Afterwards, they had started looking for a guitarist. In a short time, they found Zoli (guitar) who liked their concept and accepted joining the band. Now that they had a vocalist, guitarist an a bassist, they still needed a drummer and a violonist.Shortly after, Adi (drums) and Arni (violin) joined the project, the band having been completed.
The band held its first rehearsal in january 2006. Afterwards came the invitations to rock concerts. More and more people started understanding the bands message. The themes of the songs express natures grief, the greediness of mankind, its fear and apathy, lost feelings, reasons why nature is dying and people become apathetic.
Let..s protect MOTHER NATURE!...and revaluate our lost feelings.

Biografia magyarul:

Azoknak akik most hallanak eloszor az "Echoes From The Deep"-rol mondanank egy par szot a zenekar alakulasanak elozmenyeirol.
Az egesz Echoes tortenete ugy kezdodott hogy Silent Wolf (vokal) egy alkalommal mikor leult Thomasal (basszusgitar) beszelgetni,kitalaltak kozosen hogy osszekellene hozni egy zenekart egyeni hangzas es stilusban.
Szep lassan meglett a nev "Echoes From The Deep","Vizhangok a melybol" mely kifelyezi altaluk megnevezett stilust.Elkezdtek tagok utan kutatni.Eloszor a Zolira (gitar) talaltak ra,akinek tetszett az otlet es a stilus is.Aztan dobos es hegedus hianyban szenvedett a zenekar.Roviddel ezutan csatlakozott a bandahoz Adi (dob) es Arni (hegedu).
2006 januarjaban megvolt az elso proba,majd szep lassan jottek a koncertek.Eleinte kevesen ...aztan tobben es tobben megertettek,hogy a dalok a termeszet fajdalmairol,az emberiseg kapzsisagarol,felelemrol,kozombossegrol,elveszett vagyakrol es ezekbol adodoan az emebri faj hanyatlasarol szolnak. Mindez egy filozofikus koncepcioban.
"Vigyazzunk az Anya Foldre !"

Biografia trupei:

Pentru cei care aud prima data de formatia Echoes From The Deep, va vom povesti cate ceva despre perioada premergatoare infiintarii formatiei.
Totul a inceput atunci cand Silent Wolf (vocal), s-a asezat cu Thomas (bass) la un schimb de idei si au ajuns la concluzia,ca infiintand o trupa doom/death, cu o conceptie filosofica unica, isi vor potoli setea creatoare. Treptat, numele formatiei s-a conturat, reflectand stilul conceput de ei.
”Echoes From The Deep” avea sa devina denumirea trupei, anume: ”Ecouri din adanc”.
Punand bazelele, a inceput cautarea unui chitarist. In scurt timp au dat de Zoli (chitara), caruia i-a suras conceptul viitoarei formatii, alaturandu-se lui Silent Wolf si Thomas. Avand un vocalist, bassist si chitarist, trupei ii mai lipsea un tobosar si un violonist. Astfel, intr-un final, s-au aliat trupei Adi (tobe) si Arni (vioara), formatia devenind omogena.
In ianuarie 2006 a avut loc prima repetitie a trupei, dupa care au urmat concertele. Cu aceasta ocazie, a inceput sa se inteleaga esenta si sentimentele ce stau la baza trupei. Tematica pieselor exprima suferinta naturii, lacomia oamenilor, frica si indiferenta acestora , sentimente pierdute precum si cauzele mortii naturii. 
Sa ocrotim Terra Mater si sa dam valoare sentimentelor uitate.

My Interests


Member Since: 14/08/2007
Band Members:
Zoli (Silent Wolf) - vocals

Thomas - bass

Zoli- guitars

Arni - Violin
Influences: My Dying Bride, Sins Of Thy Beloved,Morgul
Sounds Like: Echoes From The Deep :)
Record Label: Unsigned

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