About Me
Hello and welcome to my profile :-)
Yes, it's really me Jessica Micari-German Playboy's Miss July 2007.
Thanks all of you who took the time to visit my page and for all of your support and comments. Please enjoy my pics and come see me soon! I'm sending out my love to you all!
I wanted to say thank you to everyone who sends me such nice messages!! I don't always have time to respond to everyones messages, as much as I would like to but I read every one they mean a lot to me :-)
So if you don't get a response back I deeply appologize! I will try my darnest to get to as many messages as I can! Thanks so much everyone!!!
Was ich mag: Reisen, in der Sauna entspannen, Sonne Strand und Meer
Was ich nicht mag: Langeweile, Streit, Achterbahnen, Unehrlichkeit, Sauerkraut, Höhe, schlechtes Wetter, pure Schokolade
Freizeit: Salsa tanzen, joggen gehen, lesen, Internet, Wasserski/Wakeboarden
Meine Zukunftspläne ich lebe mein Leben, so wie es kommt
temperamentvoll, selbstbewußt, super süß; und super sexy, klein aber oho, zärtlich, liebevoll, romantisch, humorvoll, zuverlässig, sportlich, heiß, offen, charmant, sensibel, bodenständig, natürlich, hilfsbereit, misstrauisch, und noch vieles mehr...