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Amy Devers

Blog Cabin! 2 new episodes every Thursday night at 9 & 9:30 est / 10 & 10:30 pst on DIY.

About Me

1. I'm handy! (Years of carpentry and home improvement under my toolbelt.)2. I design and build sculpture and modern furniture. ( )3. I still have all my digits. (Plus a huge zigzag scar on my palm from a tendon re-connection, it's sexy.)4. I host a few shows on the tv. ( Blog Cabin , Freeform Furniture and DIY to the Rescue )5. I load my tools into a cargo van that I've named Vanna White. ( Just like her namesake, she's got a few miles on her but can be relied upon to do her job every day.)6. My license plate says: Watch out! Classy lady on the move. (It's true on many levels.)7. I like scotch, but a good Manhattan is a close second. (I'll drink PBR, too.)8. I have rhinestone safety glasses. (Because I don't like blindness, but I sure do like glamour.)9. + or - 1/32"? Screw that, + or - 1/64"! (Precision excites me.)10. My friends call me "La Femme Makita" (I still have that old 12v that earned me the name, it's better than Schneider.)Plain MySpace Layouts by Iron Spider

My Interests

People, art, design, music, architecture, food, lipstick, power tools, and single malt scotch. (I try to keep the last two separate.)

I'd like to meet:

Mad scientists, absent-minded professors, brazen hussies, and handsome devils.


Current heavy rotation: El Ten Eleven, New Young Pony Club, Justice, Bat for Lashes, Cold War Kids, Klaxons, Bruce Springsteen, Hot Chip, Slayer, Art Brut, Giant Drag, Subtle, Metric, Bloc Party, SoftLightes, Themselves, 13 & God, Arcade Fire, Broken Social Scene, Sigur Ros, Pinback, Immortal Technique, the Yeah yeah yeahs, just to name a few...Old staples: Modest Mouse, The Replacements, Big Star, Modern Lovers, Inch, Creedle, Jesus and Mary Chain, Leonard Cohen, Pavement, PJ Harvey, Marvin Gaye, Prince, Hank Williams, Sarah Vaughan, Guided by Voices, Built to Spill, Chet baker, Slint, Yo La Tengo, Three Mile Pilot, Cinematic Orchestra...


Heavy Metal Parking Lot, Home movies on Super 8, that I found. I have no idea who they are, but they fascinate me.


Knife Show! (But don't get excited about Coin Show like I did. Big disappointment.) I should also mention my shows: Blog Cabin, (DIY), Freeform Furniture, (DIY) and, DIY to the Rescue, (HGTV, DIY); I love my job. I'm a fan of the Daily Show, and Entourage and as a result have fallen in love with both Jon Stewart, and Jeremy Piven, but they don't know about each other, shhh. Ooh, The Office is funny! Lost totally sucked me in. The Henry Rollins show is my new fave. But I have to say the one show that has provided me with the most consistent long-term enjoyment (not even necessarily while watching it) and the most profound wisdom for living is, of course, the Simpsons.


I have a real problem with magazines. Huge stacks: Filter, Paper, BlackBook, Flaunt, Surface, Wallpaper, Dwell, Metropolis, Los Angeles, Nest, ReadyMade, Spin and the like. They're so glossy and the pictures are so pretty! I also have a thing for art books, like the Taschen and Phaidon varieties. Please Kill Me, David Sedaris and Chuck Klosterman have earned a place of prominence on my bookshelf. Currently reading: The Omnivore's Dilemma (Michael Pollan) and Long Way Down (Nick Hornby.) Recently read: Killing Yourself to Live (Chuck Klosterman) The Tipping Point, Blink (Malcolm Gladwell) Freakonomics (Steven D. Levitt, Stephen J. Dubner)

My Blog

I need you to read this.

Hello My Friends!As many of you know, I have a new show on DIY called Blog Cabin. As an interactive complement to the show, my hosting duties include blogging on the DIY website. I would love, love, l...
Posted by Amy Devers on Sat, 01 Sep 2007 02:31:00 PST

Blog Cabin premieres tonight!

Posted by Amy Devers on Thu, 23 Aug 2007 03:50:00 PST

DIY to the Rescue: Katrina Rebuild (Special Presentation)

I recently spent some time in New Orleans helping to rebuild the home of a very sweet 78 yr. old lady,Marion Camp, whose home was damaged by the storm, and further destroyed by the fraudulent contract...
Posted by Amy Devers on Sat, 28 Oct 2006 02:35:00 PST