i like computers and computer hardware. i like to drive above the speed limit lol. kinda sad but thats really all my interests
id like to meet the creator of linux/unix. they may be nerds. but they were really smart. granted they didnt make linux/unix what it is today but they got the "GNU"/free OS revelation started which is really awesome. dont have to fork up $200+ for an OS.
Just about everything. Dont like country, or country. favorite is trance/electronic music. DI.FM is awesome for good music.
just saw charlie and the chocolate factory. very interesting movie. very different from the first. liked the fact they put the second book into the movie. all time favorite comedy movie is down periscope. hilarious movie. love the matix series. i think im the only one who understands it or at least everyone i know didnt understand what the hell was happening. quite funny. lol fantastic four was good. not the best movie ive seen. Thats about it for the movies
i used to watch TV alot. now i just sit on my computer playing computer games. o well
what are those. you mean the things they make us read for school...eww why would i read those for fun
Bill Gates. I wanna know how to become as rich as he is by doing what he did...which was really...NOTHING if i could become a billionaire by doing nothing that would be really awesome