Something i'm sure you boys would like to know! 10 Reasons to Date a Dancer 1. We know all the positions 2. We have perfect technique, good rhythm, and great hip rotation 3. We're used to having bruises on our knees 4. We're used to performing in minimal amounts of clothing 5. We're perfectionists: we'll keep going until we nail it 6. We can shake it like no other 7. After a quick intermission, we're ready to go do it again 8. We don't mind getting hot and sweaty 9. We're NOT as delicate and fragile as we look... 10. One word: FLEXIBILITY I am a great dancer and love to try new positions.
Hot Ass Guys and Gurls
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Mostly scarey but i like other stuff.
This is our military compation! This is our lyrical compation! This is our hip hop compation!