Women who are not afraid to take control and stay in control of their own birth experience. Women who realize that birth is safe, homebirth is an option, and yes!!, you CAN do it yourself. Hospitals ARE for sick people. There really is nothing better than having your child born into you or your partners hands. Take all the time you want to admire and look over your baby, count the fingers, play with the toes, gaze into your child's beautiful eyes and know that he/she is safe, and that you have given your baby a wonderful gift. Do your research!! Homebirth is a safe option. Don't take my word for it! Go!!My research on the subject led me straight to homebirth. Or, unassisted birth, which is homebirth without the aid of medical professionals. Instead of dreading birth, I suddenly looked forward to it. I envisioned my labor, and my birth, and filled with joy knowing that I was doing the right thing. In my research, I spoke via the internet with many other women who had or were considering UC. The conversations and the birth stories I read changed my life. I really did not know there was any other way for me. People always tell me I am brave, or lucky, or whatever else they can muster up. I say, no, I am blessed. I have found a power in myself that most of our generation, our mothers' and grandmothers' generation, have forgotten, or was robbed of. The power to birth WITHOUT the assistance of the hospital staff, WITHOUT drugs and painkillers, and without intervention as a whole. It is time to take control again. Embrace your labor!! It is what reminds you that you are alive!! Labor is full of intensity~ it is what makes you enjoy the serenity after your birth is over.Convinced yet? This IS the way we were meant to birth!! We MUST teach our daughters and sons that birth is a beautiful, affirming entity!! It WILL change your life, and the lives of your children. I guarantee it.This video below takes place in a medical facility, but it still shows the power of HANDS OFF!! It is a beautiful twin birth.