☆♥~DoReNa~♥☆ profile picture


I am here for Friends

About Me

proof i don't need to drink to act dumb haha
Add to My Profile | More VideosMy names Dorena. I'm a single Mother of a boy named Xander whos 3 years old. He was born june 5th 2005. That boy is my life...my world.... Being a single mother has presented alot of challenges but i love every second of it. I couldnt imagine my life without him. I have a wonderful boyfriend that treats me like gold! I love to hang out and listen to music. I love photography...and most of all spend time with my son. I like to go to bars and clubs but I seldomly ever get to do that because I'm a single mother and nothings more important then that. I'm just living my life to the fullest,having as much fun as I possibly can. I LOVE TO DANCE SO MEET ME ON THE DANCE FLOOR =-). I am real...probably the most honest and trustworthy person you'll ever meet. I don't like liars so if you lie to me and i find out then don't bother talking to me again unless by chance i forgive you. I must of failed to mention that I am a very forgiving person...cross me once and i may forgive you depending on the circumstances but double cross me and I can guarantee we won't be speaking again. I love my life but it could always use some improvements. I'm a very easy going person and can take a lot of things to heart and i can be as fun as i am serious and that's a promise =-). I've learned to just take life as it comes and hope for the best and expect for the worst because things don't always go our way most of the time.

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I'd like to meet:

can never have enough friends to have a good time with. I'm not looking for little flings or booty calls so if thats all you want then you've come to the wrong place so leave. Just because some of my pics show a lil skin does not mean i want something. I've been to hell and back with relationships and spent alot of time alone and I know what I want and right now I'm ready to settle down and share my time with somebody. Sure things seem fine and good on the outside but don't sugarcoat things with me because deep down in the inside I want true love and can't and won't accept anything less. not only do I have myself to think of but my little boy who is my everything...my pride and joy.

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