What is there to say but I'm a family man who works for a living to support the family and provide a nice life for my wife & son. I am more of an optomist and am not afraid of a little change in my life. I deal with problems by instinct and prefer to take chances but only to a point as long as it's not going to hurt my family. I'm not much of a partier I'm afraid as I outgrew that lifestyle once I got married back in '98 but I do enjoy the occasional drink once in a while. I'm more of an idea man and have several personal concepts and ideas flowing constantly but have forsaken much of this to concentrate more on homelife although I do tinker with these things whenever I get the chance. I'm an indoor person who enjoys outdoor living once in a while. Music, movies & video games are a passion in my life but take a backseat to my wife & child.
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