The Boy of my dreams... The person who will show me how beautiful this fucked up world can really be and will hold me in their arms when things weren't well and tell me how beautiful I am even tho my mascara may be smeared. Someone that will dominate me during the day but then at night behind closed doors will let me have my way with them with no questions asked. Someone who will dance with me in the bedroom without any music on, just the sound of our kissing. I want a bad boy that will show me things and take me to places I have never seen before. Someone who will show me their side of reality... and wont be scared to show me and take me to their own little world. I want a boy with a dark side to him, but at the same time be sensative. I want a hopeless romantic. Someone who will make love to me and look into my eyes while pulling my hair. I want someone that will take me to shows and rock out with me and get wasted with me while in the pit. Someone that isn't afraid to dance and sing to Rock N Roll. I want a boy that can rock the eyeliner. Someone with style. Not a pretty boy, not someone bulit with nasty over the top muscles. A boy that isn't scared to have some ink on them and holes somewhere on their body. I want adventure excitement. I want a boy with piercing eyes and breath takeing lips. Someone that will kiss me with passion. A boy that wont mind takeing pictures with me while we kiss or hold hands. Someone that will sing to me at random momments. I want to fall in LOVE and be loved back. I want someone who will make my heart happy.
Anyone who can inspire me. Someone who will crave for me to be in their arms at night. Someone who wont just kiss me, but Kiss me... with passion and grace. Someone who finds the strange to be familiar, and the familiar to be somewhat strange, hehe. Anyone that has a passion for something, and desires the un-speakable. Someone who will believe in me and believe in us. Someone who can put up a good argument. Anyone that can satisfy and intrigue my sanity. If you don't have a problem with being different, strange, or unique then talk to me. Someone who will show me their side of reality.... and hold my hand while we act completely fucking Mental.
I tend to fall in love quickly. But keep such strong feelings to myself. I keep to myself most of the time and have a hard time expressing my emotions to someone i care for. I don't like to lead people on and hate being lead on as well. I've been hurt many times so i try to stay away from dateing people and getting myself caught up into serious relationships. But to be perfectly honest I've never had a serious boyfriend or have ever been in an type of relationship. Too many games too many heartbreaks. I'll stay away from love and avoid looking for it as well. I wont be waiting but I will let love find me.
As far as looks are concerned... I love the whole punk rock, greaser, scum bag, tattooed hardcore buff I don't give a fuck type of looking guys. Haha. I hate skinny dudes and guys that wear makeup. I want the dude working on the hot rob not the dude in the bathroom fixing his hair and eyeliner. Eh, a little bit of eyeliner wouldn't hurt. Ville Vallo wouldn't either ;)