50 Buttons $8.00
100 Buttons $14.00
250 Buttons $35.00
500 Buttons $63.00
1000 Buttons $115.00
25 Buttons $10.50
50 Buttons $12.50
100 Buttons $20.00
250 Buttons $47.50
500 Buttons $92.50
750 Buttons $135.00
1000 Buttons $175.00
About artwork:
Don't let the name fool you. I will print anything you would like for any reason.
Images look best in with at least 300 dpi. If you do not have this, it is still possible to make a great looking button, as long as the image is large enough.
We want you to have good looking buttons
If your image will not not look good printed we will let you know
Try to view your work in the button size. It might look good big but not small.
click here for our templates and artwork guidelines.
I can provide you with custom artwork. I have received great praises for my work. Send me a message if you would need some original artwork done.
We can except any type of payment. If you are paying by personal check, your order will not be processed till it clears. Credit cards can be taken through Paypal.
You do not have to join Paypal to make payments.
Our 1.25 inch buttons weigh approx. 1#(16oz) per every 100 buttons.
we ship from area code 61201
You can calculate the shipping cost and choose your method by visiting or
Questions, Orders:
Send me a myspace message, or email me at
[email protected]