Only friendly, real,'awake' and gorgeous (in a holistic way obviously) online buddies. Anyone who wants to use my myspace page to spread the word of their creative endeavours and thought provoking ideas. I'm not on here for dating purposes so please save your energy on that one. In terrestial life the laws of magnetic attraction always bring me whoever I want to meet... although his holiness the Dalai Llama hasn't popped round for a cup of rooibos tea yet - and come to think of it neither has that great looking dude from supernatural (must chant harder!). Most people seem to list 'legends' in this bit so I'd have to include: Dr. George Goodheart, Jim Morrison, Marilyn Munro, Jane Roberts, Dr. Samuel Hahnemann, The Mitochondrial Mother, John Lennon, Marie Curie, Leonardo Da Vinci, Emmeline Pankhurst, Chief Sitting Bull, Rosa Parks, Edgar Cayce, Dr. Edward Bach, Boudicca, Marc Bolan, Sister Kenny, Robert S Mendelsohn, Helen Keller, Amelia Earhart, Mahatma Gandhi, Mother Teresa, Cleopatra, Buddah, and the evil bastard who invented microwave ovens... if he's not dead yet then he bloody well should be.