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About Me is your destination for informative, opinionated writing detailing geek culture in its many forms. Its comprehensive coverage of comic books, video games, films and animation is second to none, offering a perspective on these topics that is as objective as it is enthusiastic. Whether you're a comic book geek searching for required reading, a gamer seeking info on the best new releases, or a horror fan hungry for top-of-the-line gore, is the place for you.
The site also plays host to several podcasts, including The Show (a twice-weekly mishmash of reviews and editorials presented by Michael David Sims and Jenny Seay), World's Finest Podcast (a fortnightly show examining cartoons such as Batman: The Animated Series and JLU) and Dread Media (your weekly source for everything from reviews to interviews to news in the horror genre), Animezing Podcast (another fortnightly series, this one covering anime and manga), For Your Ears Only (a monthly look at all things James Bond) and Bigger on the Inside (a fortnightly Doctor Who podcast). Think that's it? HA! has only just begun to unleash its podcasting might!
Dread Media 72
.: 1:34:09 :: 43.3 MB :.
By Desmond Reddick
12 January 2009 — In this jam-packed episode of Dread Media, Darryll joins Desmond for a Roadkill Review of the newly released Platinum Dunes suckfest The Unborn. Desmond recovers enough to review The Summer I Died by Ryan C. Thomas, and DW's triumphant return heralds a review of an obscure DOS game: Harvester. Tons of talk is had, and a Rue Morgue Magazine giveaway is offered. Tunes include: "Your Pretty Face is Going to Hell" by Iggy & The Stooges, "New Born" by Muse, "Dirty Black Summer" by Danzig and "Death Trip" by Iggy & The Stooges. RIP Ron Asheton.
— download The Show 295
.: 1:07:41 :: 31.2 MB :.
By The Syndicate
09 January 2009 — It's finally happened. Some of Marvel's key comic books now cost $3.99. What do Des and Mike have to say about this? A lot!
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For Your Ears Only 09
.: 2:37:18 :: 72.0 MB :.
By Ian Wilson and Adham Fisher
08 January 2009 — Returning to the regular format, Ian and Adham end their review of The Man with the Golden Gun with a personal anecdote, having identified which characters impressed and which characters were so offensive that one presenter dropped the C-bomb. Hear the slightly edited results and much more, including Ian's inferiority complex regarding the popularity of his brother's one-off appearance, and why Nick Nack makes Adham think of R. Kelly.
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World's Finest Podcast 45
.: 1:19:00 :: 36.1 MB :.
By Project Cadmus
07 January 2009 — A devious reporter threatens to expose Bruce and Terry ("Sneak Peek"), Batman teams with Stalker to save the world from a biological threat ("Plague"), Terry must balance the responsibilities of parenthood with crime fighting ("The Eggbaby"), a doctor is duped into drastically modifying the bodies of four thugs ("April Moon") and a young boy turns to vigilantism in order to get his father's attention ("Payback").
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Bigger on the Inside 04
.: 1:04:47 :: 29.2 MB :.
By The Children of Time
04 January 2009 — In the two weeks since the last episode of Bigger on the Inside aired, there have been some major happenings in the world of Doctor Who. Not only has the Christmas special "The Next Doctor" aired in the UK, but the BBC has revealed the identity of the actor who'll play the 11th Doctor starting in 2010! Beyond that, the guys review the six-part serial "The Keys of Marinus," and Mike has a theory about Professor River Song.
— download
Animezing Podcast 19
.: 29:00 :: 13.2 MB :.
By Kellen Scrivens
17 December 2008 — In the spirit of the season, Kellen dedicates 2008's final episode of Animezing Podcast to Ken Akamatsu's two-episode OVA series My Santa.
— download

My Blog

Dread Media, episode 72

Dread Media 72 .: 1:34:09 :: 43.3 MB :. By Desmond Reddick 12 January 2009  In this jam-packed episode of Dread Media, Darryll joins Desmond for a Roadkill Review of the newly released...
Posted by on Mon, 12 Jan 2009 07:17:00 GMT The Show, episode 295 The Show 295 .: 1:07:41 :: 31.2 MB :. By The Syndicate 09 January 2009  It's finally happened. Some of Marvel's key comic books now cost $3.99. What do Des and Mike have to ...
Posted by on Mon, 12 Jan 2009 07:14:00 GMT

For Your Ears Only, episode 09

For Your Ears Only 09.: 2:37:18 :: 72.0 MB :.By Ian Wilson and Adham Fisher08 January 2009  Returning to the regular format, Ian and Adham end their review of The Man with the Golden Gun with a perso...
Posted by on Thu, 08 Jan 2009 07:36:00 GMT

World’s Finest Podcast, episode 45

World's Finest Podcast 45.: 1:19:00 :: 36.1 MB :.By Project Cadmus07 January 2009  A devious reporter threatens to expose Bruce and Terry ("Sneak Peek"), Batman teams with Stalker to save the world f...
Posted by on Wed, 07 Jan 2009 12:25:00 GMT

Dread Media, episode 71

Dread Media 71.: 1:14:09 :: 33.9 MB :.By Desmond Reddick05 January 2009  In this episode of Dread Media, Darryll stops by to review two realistic nail-biters: the adaptation of his novel Red, and a c...
Posted by on Tue, 06 Jan 2009 09:51:00 GMT

Bigger on the Inside, episode 04

Bigger on the Inside 04.: 1:04:47 :: 29.2 MB :.By The Children of Time04 January 2009  In the two weeks since the last episode of Bigger on the Inside aired, there have been some major happenings in ...
Posted by on Sun, 04 Jan 2009 08:26:00 GMT The Show, episode 294 The Show 294.: 1:15:10 :: 34.4 MB :.By The Syndicate30 December 2008  This time around Dan and Mike discuss a letter to a lost love (Spider-Man: Blue), a world-changing event (Secret Inv...
Posted by on Sun, 04 Jan 2009 08:23:00 GMT

Dread Media, episode 70

Dread Media 70.: 1:10:39 :: 32.3 MB :.By Desmond Reddick29 December 2008  In this episode of Dread Media, Desmond Reddick celebrates the return of Darryll as they ring in the New Year with two bikers...
Posted by on Mon, 29 Dec 2008 09:32:00 GMT The Show, episode 293 The Show 293.: 3:03:15 :: 83.8 MB :.By The Syndicate25 December 2008  Having covered the 1966 and 1989 Batman films, James, Ian and Mike are back to discuss the next movie in the Batman ...
Posted by on Mon, 29 Dec 2008 09:30:00 GMT

World’s Finest Podcast, episode 44

World's Finest Podcast 44.: 1:40:18 :: 45.9 MB :.By Project Cadmus24 December 2008  Commissioner Gordon hunts down Batman for the apparent murder of Mad Stan ("Eyewitness"), a robot assassin is loose...
Posted by on Mon, 29 Dec 2008 09:29:00 GMT