lindsey profile picture


You cant have everything you want , where would you put it all ?

About Me

hmmm what to say about me ? i love the outdoors , reading swiming, and diving on team mermadia 1 MyGen Profile Generator

My Interests

i enjoy cooking. i always have and consider myself a good cook. i enjoy having friends over and entertaing them. i also enjoy eating the food my self! i love to travel and have great desire to visit many new places ! the first planed trip is to new orleans. i love the tv show lost and the office! i like to go camping and boating. i love Lake Powell. i would live down there on a house boat if i was rich! i love being in the water. so i swim quite a bit . i like to read and try to do quite a lot of that ! i love true crime book and patrica cornwell books.

I'd like to meet:

lots of friends ! i have meet some great people on here so far and there is only more to come ! plus i am so glad to get to talk to some old friends i have lost contact with !

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For the most part i listen to x96 in the morning and then i listen to a lot of books on tape . i do like lots of different music and my taste is broadening . i like O.A.R , widespread panic , led zepplin , jimmy eat world and a few others !


gone with the wind


i love the Office . i think that it is the funniest show EVER! we watch every episode and but the time its over i have done my ab work out for the day from laughing so hard ! my favorite character is Dwight Srute . i also love Lost. its a pretty amazing show ! my favorite show of all time is buffy the vampire slayer . i also love arested development and happy hour . there is a great British comedy called IT crowd !


good in bed, anything by laurie natario,sookie stackhouse books, right now i am reading living blood(which is amazing) and twilight .

My Blog

kidney stones

so i have this stupid kidney stone and a dear friend wrote a poem about them  !I hate kidney stones, they come out with my pee. They hurt my vagina, and I say OWEEEE!! Kidney stones can suck my a...
Posted by lindsey on Fri, 16 Mar 2007 09:25:00 PST

take this shit !

1. Who are you? 2. Are we friends? 3. When's the last time we partied together? 4. From what era of my life do you know me from? 5. What is one thing you would change about me? 6. Give me a nickname a...
Posted by lindsey on Wed, 24 Aug 2005 11:07:00 PST

Love is an amazing thing !!!!!!

I cant belive how amazing this love thing is . i have never felt this great before . i have never been so happy before , happy with myself , happy with everything ! i never knew that love and the righ...
Posted by lindsey on Wed, 24 Aug 2005 10:47:00 PST

Music Video: Gorillaz - Feel Good Inc.

Gorillaz - Feel Good Inc....
Posted by lindsey on Wed, 17 Aug 2005 05:45:00 PST