i enjoy cooking. i always have and consider myself a good cook. i enjoy having friends over and entertaing them. i also enjoy eating the food my self! i love to travel and have great desire to visit many new places ! the first planed trip is to new orleans. i love the tv show lost and the office! i like to go camping and boating. i love Lake Powell. i would live down there on a house boat if i was rich! i love being in the water. so i swim quite a bit . i like to read and try to do quite a lot of that ! i love true crime book and patrica cornwell books.
lots of friends ! i have meet some great people on here so far and there is only more to come ! plus i am so glad to get to talk to some old friends i have lost contact with !
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For the most part i listen to x96 in the morning and then i listen to a lot of books on tape . i do like lots of different music and my taste is broadening . i like O.A.R , widespread panic , led zepplin , jimmy eat world and a few others !
gone with the wind
i love the Office . i think that it is the funniest show EVER! we watch every episode and but the time its over i have done my ab work out for the day from laughing so hard ! my favorite character is Dwight Srute . i also love Lost. its a pretty amazing show ! my favorite show of all time is buffy the vampire slayer . i also love arested development and happy hour . there is a great British comedy called IT crowd !
good in bed, anything by laurie natario,sookie stackhouse books, right now i am reading living blood(which is amazing) and twilight .