Smith & Stone profile picture

Smith & Stone

About Me

Welcome to our little nook. Smith & Stone is a two-man band where we write and play music in the character we feel like playin', in the particular moment of time. From day to day, it's a wide spread of styles that wants a piece of the cake. We don't constrain ourselves to any genre, just playin' what we feel inspired to do. That can be country, jazz, blues or more plain-simple rock tunes. Hope you're enjoying your stay,
Cheers S&S

My Interests


Member Since: 13/08/2007
Band Members: Nicholas Smith - Vocals, Rhythm Guitar, Harmonica
Zeb Stone - Lead Guitar
Influences: Bruce Springsteen, The Black Crowes, Bon Jovi, Bob Dylan
Sounds Like:
Record Label: Unsigned

My Blog

Live show performed

So now we’ve done the show today, a small gig with how many songs? Eight I think it was...The performance was OK, from my perspective and judging on my own output. My voice have seen better...
Posted by on Tue, 18 Mar 2008 09:11:00 GMT

Re-recording finished!

Previous week and a few days this week we've been workin' ambitiously to make a new recording of one of our older songs, A Love Betrayed. The production of the first version was, well what can I can s...
Posted by on Wed, 05 Mar 2008 12:20:00 GMT

Creations on the loose!

Feels like we're in a good flow right now, energetic and just relaxed and spontaneous about our music which feels real good. We've been working with a new song under the project name 'desert', which i...
Posted by on Tue, 20 Nov 2007 01:46:00 GMT

Tremendeous jam!

Well, we just felt like jammin' today and remade one of our songs from our previous band, riot reaction, just for fun...we felt pleased with what we accomplished, giving the song a new touch and a "ja...
Posted by on Mon, 12 Nov 2007 15:47:00 GMT

New song up!

Finally, one of the songs we've been working on is finished! It's an cover of a great swedish song and artist, whose name was Ted Gärdestad.Zeb just showed me one day what he'd been playin' lately and...
Posted by on Mon, 17 Sep 2007 22:15:00 GMT

Two new songs on their way

We are working on two new songs that hopefully will be finished written in a short while. You will find some country on one song and the other one is a full-on blues tune. There may als...
Posted by on Sun, 19 Aug 2007 03:09:00 GMT