Sarah profile picture


But it's calm under the waves, in the blue of my oblivion

About Me

I have a split personality. Quiet in uncomfortable situations with people I don't know, and loud, hyper, and crazy around my friends. I can usually be quoted saying something absolutely random... and like to pass on good phrases like "your face" and "damn the goats." I am indecisive yet opinionated. I look both ways before I cross the street and ponder decisions long before I actually make them. I am blessed with an array of friends, but keep the special one's close. I admire flexibility, consistency, loyalty, and a good sense of humor. I am intimidated by the unpredictable, the irrational, and the obscure. I see the best in people... and it tends to get me into trouble. I could not live without music and usually don't last a week without making a visit to a cd store or a live show. I have 2 crazy dogs that I tend to cart along on adventures. I crave honesty, and I am as real and open as it gets... but rarely do I find that trait in others. I wear my heart on my sleeve and communicate my misfortunes in random writing/poetry. A perfect relaxin day in the life of Sarah would include: good coffee, sunshine, my journal, a good book, and great company.I try to live life to the fullest and strive to maintain my composure in this crazy world.

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