evolution, as an angler, includes this absorption of information, But this is not enough! Even after digesting all current intellectual knowledge and becoming the mechanistic equal of the best, I continue to fail more often than I succeed. Even worse, it became boring and unfulfilling. Something was wrong or something was missing.myspace has been founded as an educational vehicle to publish a continuing "masters" fishing course in a myspace format.my primary goal is to teach angling as an art. my desire is to address the complete all anglers too all his/her potential. hopefully my teaching will help
expand your awareness of ordinary and extraordinary senses, intellect vs intuition, positive vs negative thought patterns, creative visualization, the known vs the unknown, and the connection between intuition, purpose, spirit, and beyond.As a membership of this a myspace, i encourage our members to blend our knowledge and research with their own experiences.I will provide an open forum to share known information and to explore new information. Members will receive my course making them aware of the leading edge in angling ideas and techniques. Knowledge must translate into performance; otherwise, it is just worthless baggage. Achieving the "zone" in sports allows one to perform at an extraordinary level. this myspace will show anglers how to achieve this quantum leap in performance.Equally important will be reconnecting the angler with the intricate web of life. Only through understanding the purpose of all of creation do we achieve true respect and reverence. The ultimate angler works in harmony with creation, a part of, not separate from. At the simplest level we hope to provide a deeper appreciation of each day on the water. At the highest level we hope to help a few touch perfection in that which they most love to do.rick clunn <><