EvAn!! profile picture


tHeRe WiLl aLwAyS bE a PaRt oF yOU WiTh mE

About Me

Hey! mY nAme iS eVaN
i Am 17 yEaRs oLD
I gO tO LaNgHam cReEk HiGhSCHoOl
((sEnIoRs '07!!!!!!))
aNd I CaNt WaIt To GeT oUt!!!
i LoVe ThE SeXy SiX!!
wE hAvE HaD sOo MaNy GoOd TimEs,
aNd I mIsS BoWeLz LiKe CrAzY!!!
i ChEeR fOr TeXaS cHeEr
AnD i Am So ExCiTeD fOr ThiS
cOmIng CoMpEtIoN SeAsOn!!!
SomE HoTt 07 GiRlS!!! We Run This 07 BaBy!!!
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layout by ellie!

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My Interests

cHeErLEaDinG, bOys, hAniNG wItH fRiEnDs, sLeePiNG, EaTiNg, BeiNg cRAzY, aNd bEinG a DAMn gOoD FLYER! haha I ♥ my friends

I'd like to meet:

mY gRaNdPa, aND jEsSiCa SimPsoN!


i LoVe cOunTrY, sOme oF mY fAvS aRE rAsCALL fLaTtS, JoSh TuRnEr, aND cLAY wAlKeR. BEST SONG EVER!!!


tHe nOtEbOoK!, fReE WiLLy, sTeEl mAgNoLiAs, bEaChEs, PeARl hArbOr, BiLLy mAdDiSon, WiLLiE wOnKa, aNd tHe pAciFiEr.Take the quiz: "WhIcH mEaN gIrL rU?"

you want regina to like you


aMeRiCaS nExT tOp MoDeL, thE oC, dEsPeRaTE hOuSeWiVes, aNd tHe rEaL wORlD!!
Which "Saved By The Bell" Character Are You?


tHe nOtEbOok, fRiEd gReEN tOmAtoEs, aND MEsSaGe iN a BoTtLe!!
