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My name is Victoria Baume, I am a jewellery designer, maker, silversmith & craftsfaery. I have completed a HND in jewellery design and silversmithing. Having competed my studies, I now eagerly awaiting the next chapter of my life & career in jewellery.
For as long as I can remember, I have been fascinated with what it is possible to create from my imagination. The inspiration for my work comes from the natural and supernatural world around me, as well as the fantastical realms within & without.
I love to create pieces of jewellery that capture the beauty of the natural world in a new and exciting way. A lot of my pieces have been inspired by myths and folklore, especially of the faery kin because of it’s fun and endless possibilities. I feel a strong connection to the fae realms and so my work reflects this respect and love for the magick they bring.
I enjoy working with and exploring the potential of new technologies, pushing theirs and my limits, to create exciting & original new pieces. Despite my fascination with new ways of working with silver and other materials, I also have a deep respect for traditional techniques, and endeavor to learn as many of the ancient ways of metal working and design I am able to. I especially appreciate the tips and tricks that can be learnt from experienced craftsmen to give my work a loving, hand finished feel. These are the things that bring magick to my work, that may be lost without the traditional passing down of knowledge.
Here you can view the showcase of my work, contact me to discuss your personal needs or get that special treat for yourself or your loved one…
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