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I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

I am 40 years old, and happily married. I have worked in human services/social work for the past 17 years. Before that I was a restaurant line cook. My politics are very liberal, and I believe in social progress. My interests include history, historical biographies, vintage science fiction and graphic novels. I love live music and am proud to support local bands. I enjoy darts, pool and other games that can be played while drinking. My talent has always been drawing and sketching, which my Mom taught me as soon as I was old enough to hold a crayon. My wife has 14 tattoos, one of which was a design I drew for her when we first met. I believe that the only way we can advance as a species is to work together for the good of all people.

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Julia Butterfly Hill, George Lucas, William Shatner, Henry Rollins and Stephen King. REST IN PEACE, LUX... YOU WILL BE MISSED.

My Blog


Yeah, I am a child of the 80's.  I admit it.  And you know what? - I am not ashamed of it!  I have been told by the media that I should be.  After all, this was the decade of greed and excess.  Really...
Posted by on Fri, 26 Jun 2009 16:40:00 GMT

then there was prozac

I used to work in an office and I was usually the first one there.  I saw people come and go, and made friends with most of them.  I loved my co-workers, but hindsight has instructed me on how much I ...
Posted by on Sat, 09 May 2009 14:13:00 GMT


My mother died a year ago today.  I am sad, of course.  But I haven't been moping around feeling sorry for myself.  Mom never much cared for that sort of thing and would not have wanted me to do that....
Posted by on Thu, 02 Apr 2009 13:23:00 GMT

The story

Here is the short version: my company ran out of money and clients and I got laid off.  This wasn't exactly a surprise, and I saw the writing on the wall a few weeks ago.  But it is still a shocker.  ...
Posted by on Sat, 28 Feb 2009 08:36:00 GMT

Goodbye Lux, you crazy fucker

I heard The Cramps for the first time when I was 16.  They had a song on the soundtrack of the film Return of the Living Dead called "surfin' dead."  I was hooked.  A friend of mine sent me a cassette...
Posted by on Thu, 05 Feb 2009 20:21:00 GMT

This time last year

There was a need to stay busy, as busy as possible.  Sleep was difficult.  The phone was always charged, always in my pocket or close to my pillow.  I did the best that I could to arrange for hospital...
Posted by on Tue, 27 Jan 2009 20:55:00 GMT

Damn Dirty Apes

Our closest living relative is the Bonobo, or Pygmy Chimpanzee.  Genetically we are almost identical.  We are so close in fact that their larger cousin the Chimpanzee is used in medical research.  Chi...
Posted by on Thu, 22 Jan 2009 15:43:00 GMT

Cynicism has no place here...

I have spent much of my life as a harsh critic of the established order.  I listen to everything politicians say and assume that they are lying.  I have always questioned the legitimacy of any authori...
Posted by on Wed, 21 Jan 2009 17:40:00 GMT

The New Year needs new attitudes...

I read a lot of blogs.  I like to know what people are thinking and arguing about.  I like to know what pisses people off to the point that they rant and rave on internet blogs, spewing fury...
Posted by on Wed, 07 Jan 2009 22:23:00 GMT

I was angry all the time

It seemed as if 2009 would never get here.  Last year felt like drowning.  In January I took Mom out to lunch, she moved slowly and kept her arm in a sling but she always had a smile for eve...
Posted by on Sat, 03 Jan 2009 09:38:00 GMT