Spread The Peace 1 by 1 profile picture

Spread The Peace 1 by 1

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

My website is up and Running like a pro!! Yeay!!!! SpreadThePeace1by1.com
If you know anybody who loves Peace and Peace sign ( I hope that's everybody in the world!!!) please help me spread the word!!!!! Love Love Love!!!! :)**** Please visit**** SpreadThePeace1by1.com
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My name is Yuki and I have an intention. Intention to make the world a better place from where I can- Me. :) Spread the Peace 1 by 1. I am an artist and I make Peace sign Jewelry, paint and also sing when ever I can. Few months ago, I felt stuck. I felt like I would never have enough time to do everything I want to do in life.. Then I had a huge break through!! I realized that I CAN do it all! Ha ha! Simple, isn't it?? I just never thougt I could, so I didn't, but I changed my mind about that and it was easy after that! :)I created a website, SpreadThePeace1by1.com
I learned how to make a website, designed it, took all of the pictures, attached a store, I even modeled for all of my jewelry and now I am here to spread the word. I sell my Jewelry (and many more items to come!) online and I donate a portion of my income to UNICEF. You'll find out a lot more detail about it in my site. I tried to make the website very detailed and interesting, so please come and visit SpreadThePeace1by1.com
Love and Peace, Yuki :)~~~~~Here's the Introduction of my website!!!~~~~~Welcome to Spread the Peace One by One.. My name is Yuki and I have an intention. Intention to make the world a better place from where I can- Me. Intention to have Peace within me and also within you, therefor creating Peace on this Earth. I’m going to do that by literally making Peace signs for you to wear by hand, one by one. Keeping Peace on our minds by wearing Peace. From there, we can start to recognize, more love, more compassion, more understanding, and more respect, because there’s abundance of all of them in this world. We just get distracted and keep focusing on the wrong things.....when all we really want is Peace in this world... Well, I’m just one girl, but I believe I can make a difference just by being me. Expressing my thoughts and wishes to the world and offering my creations (which I enjoy so much to make!!) to those who are like minded. Or to those who just simply enjoy my Peace signs! :-) In anyway, I will be literally spreading the Peace all over the world and also donating a portion of my gratefully earned profit to an organization I always, since I was a small child, wanted to give.. UNICEFYou see, this website is a collaboration of what I’ve always wanted for myself and for the world.. I’ve finally realized that I can do it all, not later, but NOW and so here I am. The Peace I feel in making this happen is something unexplainable and this is exactly the feeling I want to spread to the world. We create our world, so let’s make this a Peaceful, loving and friendly one. :-) Thank you so much for visiting.. Stay here for a while... :-)Love and Peace, Yuki

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