C@r $ono profile picture

C@r $ono

Go back off in your on jack yard you fother mucker!!!

About Me

I'm Jake, I'm 23, and myspace is dumb..... If I had a life I would delete this stupid thing! You suck for reading this!! (No, not really) But I do enjoying weird and unusual things that most people would be ashamed of, but I was born w/ absolutely no shame, so watch out!! I guess that covers the basics! Ya wanna know more, just ask me!P.s. Maybe I do like Pokemon... Maybe I do....

My Interests

..<a href='http://www.msplinks.com/MDFodHRwOi8vd3d3LmNvb2xteXNwYW NlY29tbWVudHMuY29t'

I'd like to meet:

Maybe you.. maybe not...


Is a compilation of several noises to make a beat so that people may sing, dance, and in several instances, make an ass of them selves!


I should be in one...


Is the devil!! Why do you think w/ have so many fat lazy kids now days?




Sam... From that movie, "I am Sam" Mainly for his ability to make cool shit out of paper...

My Blog

Happy over cooked and dry Turkey day!!

I hope everybody has a great Thanksgiving!
Posted by C@r $ono on Wed, 21 Nov 2007 09:57:00 PST