Private Sex? |
Friendship! | Public Sex?
Mehself: I'm often misconceived for having traits that I certainly don't. Lacking in a sense of balance some people might say so, but I'm quite alright with that. Artistically talented to a certain extent. And even though I am quite shy when ett comes to new people, After some time you will see that I can be quite loud at times. I suck at making decisions, so don't ever ask meh tuh do so. I believe that the littlest things mean the most and make the biggest impact. I have a Coulrophia [Phobia of Clowns].
Lovlies: Meh friends all mean shit loads to me and I know you guys are always going to be there for me whenever I need you. Some of you I haven't known as long as others but that means jack shit when it comes down to it cos your all grand :D Uhm, I talk to more guys than I do girls; mainly because I'm sick of 90% of the ones I meet being fake or just too self-centered. Ett just gets quite irritating. Soo, basically don't talk to me if you are a chick unless you're something different. Kay, thanks :) Moving on; there are only a handfull of peoples in meh life right now that I think I can seriously trust and have made such an impact in meh life. But I always enjoy meeting new people; so add meh =)
Things That Make Meh Smile: Me 'mazing friends; happy people; chatty strangers; late night phone calls; music that makes me cry; just proper good music; photography; art in any form; sourpatch kids; penguins; late night and early morning walks; people who do pointless and dumb things; looking at the sky at night; cuddling; british/australian accents; long hugs; pez dispencers; thunder storms; tattoos&piercings; long car journeys; bright colours; playgrounds; hair dye; cutting hair.
For Today- Through all of this, there is nothing, absolutely nothing, no fear, no insecurity, no doubt, no hesitation that will ever, ever stop us. Because we are the son of the living God. Because we are the children of the almighty. Because we are the residence of the kingdom of heaven and we are soldiers in an army of the immortal. And when we speak light, light happens. And when we speak healing, healing happens. And when we speak truth, truth happens. And when we go take what we found to a dead world, we will see it come to life again. When we take what we found to a hopeless world, we will see hope come back, we will see the hearts of our world start beating again and we will see the colour come back in peoples faces and absolutely nothing will ever stop that and mountains will move before us and oceans will pour before us and the dead will raise before us and the world will know that our God is a God that heals, that our God is a God that lives, that are God is a God that loves unlike anyone has ever felt before because we are fearless, because we are his hand, because we are his feet, forever and ever.