UneducateD profile picture


About Me


Videoclip: Too Much BIO BAND :It all began in the summer of 2000. "Master P" ( Marco ) and "Hyper T" ( Tjaard ) were hangin' out on the pukkelpop festival ( hasselt belgium ) and decided to began a band pure for fun. The essence was not 1 type of music-style but had to be "groovy", "heavy" and "rockin". "beekai" ( Bjorn ) was also on the festival and wanna join along with the first 2. He was a fan of rap & hip-hop, so the sound had to involve some hip-hop to. The connection of 3 was made and Master P hit the guitars & backing vocals, Hyper T the lead-vocals and Beekai scratch & samples. We had no bass-player and drummer. The drums and bass were played by "Lil' D", a drumcomputer programmed by Master P. We began to jam and in a short while we had 5 songs. The sound was very groovy metal/rock with scratch & samples and clean vocals. We recorded our first 5-track demo with "Nol" ( our sound-engineer ) in december 2000 and was called : "Buckle up 4 1st wave". The first gig's were played and we were on the roll. We realised that a bass-player was needed and we found "Spliff" ( Roland ). We played some shows with him and he fitted perfectly in the band. We performed on the 1st edition of "Lommel rockt" ( May 2001 ) and played very well. The respons was overwhelming and we realised that it was no joke anymore. In the summer of 2001 we recorded our 2nd 9-track demo called "Straightened by mistakes" (with Nol ). The sound was also very groovy but more "metal" than the 1st one. The vocals had also the first scream-parts. From then we needed a live-drummer and "deckham" (Tom Deckmijn ) filled in the place. In 2002 we'd won a battle of bands called "vers geperst" and had the opportunity to record 2 songs for a promotional cd for Lommel along with 3 other bands. The jury also said to us that we've to make a videoclip! That was a good idea and we'd chosed the song "Too much". The recordings were a fact and in the summer of 2002 we were filming our first videoclip with "Wipie", along with dozens of fans and friends of the band. It was a great experience and the clip was several times on music-channel "Jim-TV". In september 2002 we began the recordings of our full-cd "Make up your mind" at "soundlab" Lommel. 10 Songs were recorded over 6 weekends ( 12 days ) and the mixing and mastering was done in januari 2003 ( Nol once again did the job ). The sound anno 2003 was still very groovy and heavy, but also more melodic, especially in the chorusses. The vocals were more melodic to. After the recordings "Deckham" decided to quit the band and "droes" ( Dries ) replaced him from then. 2003 Was a year full of giggin' and we played on many stages and festivals with a lot of different bands. Belgian asociality, toner, Orange black, Nailpin,... to many to name them all. We won a battle at brussels over 6 pre-selections and a finale and earned 2000 euro's on instruments. We also won a battle at "studio Brussel" called "demopoll". Our song "once upon a rage" was used for their promotional-cd "demopoll harvest 2003" and released all over Belgium. In 2004 the band had taken a 2nd guitar-player named "Kritz" ( Kristof ) for extra "power" on stage and become a well-oiled machine and played many more gig's than in 2003. Balen in rock, teutrock, krotrock, sleuterrock, waubergter, sneeuwpop were some of the festivals we'd played all over belgium and the netherlands. In the beginning of 2005 we recorded a 7-track E.P. simply called "UneducateD". The sound was evolved to 7-string guitar. The grooves and music were still heavy but the song-structures were more difficult than the other songs. In de 2nd quarter of 2005 another drummer-changing was a fact. "droes" was replaced by "Ro-bain" ( robin ) and we played a couple of shows with him, but from then it became quiet, very quiet around UneducateD and the band fell apart...But now ( september 2007 ) the band is rehearsing again and the spirit is back! The same members as when we quited are back in business! We're planning a reuinion-show in the early 2008 and than hit the road again for playing some shows!!! We play for fun and that's what UneducateD is about! Kick some asses again on stage and have a good time along with the crowd and fans! We gonna play only songs from our demo's and cd's, nothing new!Greetings, love & respect to all of you ( especially the L.M.C. ) who were with us from the very beginning ...UneducateD

My Interests


Member Since: 12/08/2007
Band Members: Marco aka "Master P" ( Guitar & vocals ) Tjaard aka "Hyper T" ( Lead vocals ) Bjorn aka "Beekai" ( Scratch & samples ) Roland aka "Spliff" ( Bass ) Kristof aka "Kritz" ( Guitar ) Robin aka "Ro-bain" ( Drums )
Sounds Like: Just listen to the songs and you know!
Record Label: Lovebunny-records inc.
Type of Label: Major

My Blog

Laatste optreden was gewoonweg te gek!!!

Yoooooooooow, We willen iedereen bedanken die aanwezig was op ons laatste optreden afgelopen zaterdag 6 september.De weergoden waren ons goedgezind, het geluid zat goed, er was een groot deel van"de o...
Posted by on Sun, 07 Sep 2008 23:03:00 GMT

Nu Zaterdag 6 september!!!

Greetings metal-heads, Zaterdag 6 september nadert snel! Nog 2 dagen en het is zover! "The final gig" voor UneducateD als band op "heemstock"! de laatste repetities verlopen vlot, het is juist of er ...
Posted by on Thu, 04 Sep 2008 05:12:00 GMT

3 nummers on-line en gratis te downloaden!

Yow, we naderen 6 september, de dag van het laatste optreden van UneducateD! De band maakt zich klaar voor de laatste repetities op het einde van augustus en de 11 nummers zijn gekozen die op onze set...
Posted by on Thu, 07 Aug 2008 23:09:00 GMT

UneducateD doesn’t play at the All American Day!

Yow everyone, UneducateD doesn't play on the All American Day on the 10th of august because there play only blues-bands, and UneducateD's "Groove-metal/rock-style" Doesn't fit between these bands. So ...
Posted by on Tue, 17 Jun 2008 23:12:00 GMT

Alle optredens& setlist van de reunie-shows 2008

Hieronder  alle optredens van UeD in het kader "reunie" :   1. 07-12-2007 : Voorronde sneeuwpop  Triangel        &nbs p;    &n...
Posted by on Wed, 21 May 2008 03:38:00 GMT

UneducateD speelt NIET op krotrock!

Yow! Minder goed nieuws! UneducateD speelt NIET op krotrock op 16 augustus! Sommige bandleden hebben  dan andere verplichtingen en UneducateD zou dan niet in de huidige "reunie-bezettin...
Posted by on Tue, 20 May 2008 00:06:00 GMT

Het was weer een echt feestje op EXIT!!!

Yow, Het was gisteren op EXIT weer een echt "UneducateD-feestje"! Het was voor de band weer heel plezant om voor een volle zaal te spelen en zoveel bekenden te zien die vroeger ook op onze optredens a...
Posted by on Sun, 02 Mar 2008 00:28:00 GMT

4 nummers gratis te downloaden op de myspace!!!

Yow, De 4 nummers op onze myspace zijn gratis te downloaden vanaf nu! De nummers zijn wel al van 2003, maar hebben volgens de band nog niks aan kracht ingeboet na 5 jaar! Vertel het verder mensen! Voo...
Posted by on Thu, 28 Feb 2008 06:05:00 GMT

Heemstock wordt het aller-laatste optreden van UneducateD!!!

Yow, De band heeft beslist dat "heemstock" het allerlaatste optreden van UneducateD OOIT wordt.De reunie komt dan ten einde en iedereen gaat dan z'n eigen weg in hetgeen hij wil doen. De band hee...
Posted by on Wed, 27 Feb 2008 01:40:00 GMT

4 nieuwe oude nummers on-line!

Yow, We hebben 4 nieuwe oude nummers on-line gezet van onze full-cd "make up your mind"  uit 2003. Kwestie van af en toe eens wat andere muziek te horen als je "toevallig" op onze myspace aan het...
Posted by on Fri, 22 Feb 2008 07:39:00 GMT